Ceng Zi's wife's city, her son cried. His mother said, "If that woman gives it back, she will kill that woman." When his wife came back from the market, Ceng Zi wanted to catch a pig and kill it. His wife stopped him at once and said, "I'm just joking with my son." Ceng Zi said, "Babies have nothing to do with play. Babies must be wise, treat their parents and scholars, and listen to their parents' teaching. Today's son deceives him, and his godson deceives him. The mother deceived her son, and the son became a teacher when he didn't believe in his mother. " So Ceng Zi cooked the pig for the baby. ("Everything was done by Han Feizi. Foreign reserves say left ")
Ceng Zi's wife went to the market, and her son cried and clamored to follow. His mother said to him, "Go home first, and I'll come back later to kill the pig for you." No sooner had she returned from the fair than Ceng Zi was going to catch pigs and kill them. She stopped saying, "It's just a joke with the children." Ceng Zi said, "Wife, you can't joke with him! Children have no ability to think and judge, so they should learn from their parents and follow their correct instructions. Now you lie to him, you are teaching your child to cheat! When the mother cheated her son, the son no longer trusted her. This is not the way to achieve education. " So Ceng Zi killed the pig, cooked the meat and gave it to the children.
4. Ceng Zi avoided the seat.
"Ceng Zi is not at his seat" is a very famous story in the Book of Filial Piety. Ceng Zi is a disciple of Confucius. Once he sat next to Confucius, and Confucius asked him, "The king of the sages has supreme virtue, and he needs mysterious theories to teach people all over the world and make people live in harmony. There is no dissatisfaction between the monarch and the minister." Do you know what they are? " Hearing this, Ceng Zi understood that Confucius wanted to point out the deepest truth in his heart, so he immediately stood up from the mat where he was sitting, walked outside the mat and respectfully replied, "I'm not smart enough. How can I know?" Please ask the teacher to teach me these truths. "
Here, "avoiding the seat" is a very polite behavior. When Ceng Zi heard that the teacher was going to teach him, he stood up and went to the mat to ask the teacher for advice to show his respect for the teacher. Ceng Zi's polite stories are told by later generations, and many people learn from him.
[13] Ceng Zi's famous saying:
Ceng Zi said: "I save three times a day; Is it cheating for others? Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? " The Analects of Confucius, learn and learn.
Translated into the vernacular, it is like this: "I must reflect on myself with three things every day: What I don't try my best to do for others?" Is it dishonest to associate with friends? Have you reviewed the teacher's teaching? "This is what Ceng Zi called" three provinces ".
This "three provinces" refers to two aspects. One is to cultivate one's morality and the other is to treat others. Be honest with people. Honesty is a sign of distinctive personality. You don't cheat others or yourself. Doing things for others wholeheartedly, doing one's best, and not perfunctory are the basic virtues of being a man. Cultivation can't be achieved at one time. Self-cultivation should run through life. We should always review old experiences and gain new knowledge. We can't stop. Once we stop, we will become rigid.
4. lack of money
Ceng Zi lives in the guard, his robe has lost its appearance, and his skin is swollen and his hands and feet are covered with calluses. He won't stop burning for three days and making clothes for ten years. When you are crowned, you will never be crowned, but when you are stretched, you will be embarrassed and determined. Dragging "Ode to Shang Dynasty" sounds like a stone all over the sky. An emperor can't be a minister, and a vassal can't be a friend. Therefore, those who cultivate records forget their form, those who cultivate their form forget their benefits, and those who teach the Tao forget their hearts. ("Zhuangzi Qin Wang")
(1) live, live; 2 faces, faces; (3) Kuang and haggard; (4) Verb branches grind out cocoons; ⑤ system, making ⑤ lapel, the part on the chest of clothes, here refers to the collar; 7 full, full; 8 appearance, body.