Etiquette is a subtle thing. It is indispensable for people's communication, but it cannot be overestimated.
The journey of a gentleman is to cultivate one’s character through tranquility, and to cultivate virtue through frugality. If it is not indifferent, it will not clear its aspirations, and if it is not tranquil, it will not reach far.
It is not a matter of disrespect for position, but a lack of respect for virtue; it is not a matter of shame that one is not a good partner, but it is a matter of shame that one is not knowledgeable.
Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Only the virtuous and virtuous can obey others.
Generals must not be arrogant. Being arrogant will lead to disrespect, and being disrespectful will cause people to leave. If people leave, everyone will rebel.
A person's courtesy is a mirror that reflects his portrait.
If people are rude, they will not be born, if things are rude, they will not be successful, and if the country is rude, it will not be respected.
The most important quality of a great personality is honesty.
Looking at the virtuous countries and families in the past, their success was due to diligence and frugality, and their success was due to extravagance.
Courtesy is the second sun of an educated person.
Be an honest person, do honest things, and speak the truth.
Courtesy costs nothing and wins everything.
The way to communicate is with Tao, and the reception is with etiquette.
We should do things honestly.
The earth can build a city wall, and the accumulation of virtue can make a solid ground.
Etiquette to people is like wine.
Quietness cultivates one’s character, frugality cultivates virtue.
Educated in literature, and courteous in making appointments.
If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up.
Giving up is the true form of etiquette.