This article *** has 30 chapters, among which the famous sentences include: "If the name is not correct, the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not smooth, the things will not be accomplished"; "Haste makes waste"; "Father is like son." "Hidden, the son hides for his father"; "He lives respectfully, serves with respect, and is loyal to others"; "Words must be true, actions must bear fruit"; A gentleman is harmonious but different, a villain is harmonious but not harmonious"; A gentleman is peaceful but not arrogant, The villain is arrogant but not humble." This article contains a wide range of content, including political opinions on how to govern the country, Confucius's educational thoughts, personal moral cultivation and character improvement, and the idea of ??"harmony without uniformity".
1. Confucius said: "If his body is upright, he will not do what he is told; if his body is not upright, he will not obey his orders."
Confucius said: "(As a manager) If you If you behave well, things will be carried out without issuing orders; if you are not upright, even if you issue orders, the people will not obey them.
2. The Master said that Mr. Wei, Zijing, "lives well in the house." At the beginning, he said: "We are just getting along." ’ Rarely, he said: ‘It’s all over. ’ Rich, he said: ‘It’s so beautiful. ’”
Confucius talked about the young master Jing of Wei and said: “He is good at managing household affairs. When he first had money, he said, 'That's almost enough. ’ When it becomes a little more, say, ‘It will be enough. ’ When you become rich, you will say, ‘It’s so perfect.
3. Confucius said: "A gentleman is harmonious but not uniform; a villain is harmonious but not harmonious."
Confucius said: "A gentleman pursues harmony with others rather than being identical or blindly agreeing with them. A villain pursues being the same as others, blindly agrees and cannot get along with others.
4. The Master said: "A gentleman is peaceful but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not peaceful." ”
Confucius said: “A gentleman is calm and calm but not arrogant and overbearing; a villain is arrogant and overbearing but not calm and calm.”