All four disciples have lofty ideals, and each has its own characteristics. Zi Lu is straightforward and not humble, Ran You and Gong Xihua are humble and polite, and Zeng Xi is free and easy. When Confucius asked about his ambition, Zilu spoke first, claiming that he had the ability to govern a country of thousands of times, which was very straightforward and < P > confident and strong.
Ran You didn't speak until Confucius asked questions by name, saying that he only had the ability to govern a small country dozens of miles away in Fiona Fang. Gong Xihua didn't declare his ambition until Confucius named him. He was interested in etiquette, music and education. In order to avoid the suspicion of posing as a gentleman, he first stated that he was "willing to learn" and especially emphasized "willing to be a small picture".
Zeng Xi's elegant and poetic language describes his ideal life and interest in life. Teachers and students go out for an outing in late spring,
hanging around the mountains and rivers, feeling natural, which shows that his character is calm and free and easy.
Extended information:
Zi Lu, Zeng Xi, Ran You and Gong Xihua were selected from The Analects of Confucius, and the title was added by later generations. The article records a passage of Confucius and Zilu, Zeng Xi, Ran You and Gong Xihua who "expressed their aspirations". It vividly reproduces the situation that Confucius and his students talked about their ideals together. Zi Lu's rashness and impatience, Ran You's modesty, Gong Xihua's euphemistic songs and Zeng Xi's elegance and tranquility left a deep impression on people.
The Analects of Confucius is a collection of prose with a recorded style. It is a record of Confucius' words and deeds compiled by Confucius' disciples and disciples, which comprehensively reflects Confucius' philosophy, politics, culture and educational thoughts, and is the most important work on Confucianism. Song Confucianism called The Analects of Confucius, The University, The Doctrine of the Mean and Mencius "Four Books".
Baidu Encyclopedia-Zi Lu, Zeng Xi, Ran You, Gong Xihua sit down.