Zaiwo asked Confucius: "After the death of parents, children must observe filial piety for three years. This period is a bit too long. If a gentleman does not practice etiquette for three years, the etiquette will gradually become corrupt; if it takes three years, the etiquette will gradually deteriorate." If you don’t play the real music, the real music will inevitably collapse. The old millet has been eaten, and the new millet has appeared. The cycle of drilling the fire and making fire has happened again, so it’s okay to mourn for the first anniversary. ” p>
Confucius said: "You have been filial for less than three years. You are eating rice with white flowers in your mouth and wearing soft brocade. Can you feel comfortable in your heart?" Zaiwo said: "It is comfortable."
Confucius said: "If your heart is at ease, just do that! For those gentlemen who are in mourning, eating delicious food but not knowing the sweetness, listening to wonderful music but not knowing happiness, living in They live in a mansion and don’t know how to feel comfortable, so they don’t do what you do. Now that you feel at ease, just do that!" After Zai I walked out, Confucius said, "Zai Yu. This person really has no heart of kindness! The three-year mourning period is a common mourning ritual in the world. It takes three years for a child to repay his parents for raising him. A heart of respect and love?”