Household goods
Author: Yan Zhitui
Those weathered from top to bottom also apply to the latter from the beginning. Therefore, the father is unkind, the son is unfilial, the younger brother is not a friend, the younger brother is disrespectful, the husband is unjust, and the woman is unhappy. If the father is kind and disobedient, the brother is proud, and the husband is righteous and the wife is dead, then the murderer will be punished by punishment instead of discipline.
If you answer your anger and leave it at home, you will see it too clearly; If the punishment is not correct, the people will be at a loss. The breadth of running a family is fierce and the country is also.
Confucius said, "luxury is not a grandson, but frugality is solid." It is better to be practical than to have no grandchildren. "Another cloud said," If the beauty of Duke Zhou's talent makes him arrogant and stingy, the rest is not enough. "However, you can be frugal and don't be stingy. Those who are thrifty, thrifty and generous can be carried forward.
The root of the people is to eat the grain and clothe the horse. Fruits and vegetables of livestock are produced by gardens; The kindness of chickens and dolphins is born in the circle of trees. After building equipment, firewood and butter candles, it is not a breeding thing. In order to keep his business, he can make a living behind closed doors, but there is no salt well at home. Make the north pass, the rate can be saved in order to raise food and clothing. Although Jiangnan is luxurious, it is not surprising.
The generosity of celebrities in the world is actually generosity. As for eating and drinking, the number of servants is reduced, the wife is generous, the guests are insulted, and the hard-working party invades. This is also a great loss for the family.
Pei Yezi is a hungry and uncontrollable person. Adopt all of them. My family is poor, and when there are floods and droughts, two stone meters are porridge, so I can only live, bow my head, and often enjoy it. Ye has a leader who is insatiable. His child is 800, swear 1000 or more. Every morning and evening, everyone eats and drinks according to the standard of 15 yuan. In case of guest appearance, it will be even more difficult. After sitting in the back, he was in trouble. With his family property, Ma Xie has a house, a few treasures, and the rest are indescribable. Nanyang has people living in Aobao, which is extremely frugal. After the solstice of winter, the son-in-law came to visit him, but he put a copper wine and counted the meat. Her husband hates her single rate, and she gets it at one stroke, which surprises her master and benefits her for life. In this way, he retired and scolded his daughter, saying, "A certain lang drinks good wine, so you are often poor." After his death, the philosophers fought for money, and his brother killed his younger brother.
The wife is in the food, but the wine and clothes are in the ear. The state can't do pre-government, and the family can't do anything. If you are smart and knowledgeable, you can help this gentleman and help him. No chicken will bark in the morning, which will lead to disaster.
Jiangdong women have no friends, and those who have known each other in the wedding room for more than ten years have given their inheritance only by faith, which makes them very concerned. Under the custom of summer night, women keep their doors open and argue about the merits of the lawsuit. Please, please, take a bus all over the street, and then continue to visit the Fu Ying Temple at the front, seeking officials for their children and complaining for their husbands. This is the legacy of the eternal generation. The south is poor, everything is decorated, cars and clothes will be expensive and tidy, and the family will be hungry and cold. Most of the personnel in Hebei are composed of internal affairs, and the resplendence of the front can not be abolished, but it is still possible to promote peace.
Women in Hebei organize Yong ying, and the beauty Luo Qi is better than Jiangdong.
Taigong said, "There are too many adopted daughters, and it costs nothing." Chen Fan said, "You can't steal five women." Women are very tired, but also very deep. However, being a savage is born, and the ancestors passed on the body. What is it like? The world does not abandon women, and thieves do the same thing. How can we be so blessed? I have a close family, my family forgives prostitutes, and I will have children, so I will keep them upright and I will be uneasy. If I had a daughter, I would go, and my mother would cry with me, which was unbearable.
A woman's nature is to spoil and abuse her son-in-law, while her son-in-law is her brother's resentment in the cage, and the abuse of a woman is her sister's behavior. However, if a woman stays, she will offend her family, and so will her mother. There is a proverb that says, "Aunt's rice is lost." This is the same. There are always shortcomings at home, don't be admonished!
Getting married is right, it's a rule. Modern married, there are women who sell money, women who buy silk, and parents who take care of money, which is no different from the market. Or the husband is in the door, or the arrogant woman is good at the house, greedy for glory and profit, ashamed to ask questions, but can you be careless?
Lend people classics, so be sure to keep them well. If there is any defect first, it is the rule of science, which is also one of the hundred lines of literati. Jiang Lu, a native of Jiyang, has not finished his studies. Although he is in a hurry, he will wait until he is tied up neatly and then get up, so that he will not lose money and people will never cheat. There may be a few messy cases, and scattered departments are mostly polluted by children and little maids. It's really tiring to be beaten by wind and rain and destroyed by insects and rats. Every time I read a saint's book, I don't mean disrespect. Its old paper has the meaning of the five classics and the name of a wise man, so it can't be misused.
My wizard's prayers are beyond words; Fu was even more sour and didn't pray. And what you see in Cao Cao, don't pay for the demon.
Classical Chinese translation:
The influence of education is carried out from top to bottom, and the influence is exerted from front to back. Therefore, the father is unkind, the son is unfilial, the younger brother is unfriendly, the younger brother is disrespectful, the husband is unkind, and the woman does not obey. As for kind fathers and rebellious sons, friendly brothers and arrogant brothers, kind husbands and bullied women, they are vicious people by nature, and they should be intimidated by punishment and killing, not induced to change by instructions.
No one in the family was angry and didn't need to be whipped, and the fault of the child servant immediately appeared; If the punishment is not applied properly, the people will be at a loss. Managing the family with leniency and severity is like managing the country and leveling the world.
Confucius said, "If you don't follow luxury, frugality is solid." It is better to be modest than to be disobedient. "He added," It would be nice to have a Duke of Zhou, "but as long as he is proud and stingy, the rest is not commendable." Only in this way can we be frugal and not stingy. Thrift is a ritual saving; Being stingy means not sympathizing with difficulties and crises. Nowadays, it is often said that charity becomes luxury and frugality becomes meanness. It would be great if we could be generous without extravagance and frugal without meanness.
The most fundamental thing in a person's life is to grow crops, eat crops, grow mulberry and linen and clothes. Stored vegetables and fruits are produced in orchards; Chickens and pigs are kept in henhouses and pigsty. There are also utensils at home, firewood candles, all made of things that are not planted. The kind that can keep the family business, can close the door and have enough necessities, but there is no salt well at home. Now the customs in the north can be thrifty and worry-free. Most parts of the south of the Yangtze River are not as luxurious as the north.
Celebrities in the world only want to be generous and kind, but the food they feed their guests is reduced by their servants, and the things they promise to support are deducted by their wives, which is also a great disaster for managing the family.
Pei Yezi has distant relatives and old friends, and she is hungry and cold, so she can't save herself. They are all adopted. My family has always been poor. Sometimes, when there are floods and droughts, I cook porridge with two stones of rice, barely letting everyone eat it, and I can't get tired of eating it myself. There is a general in Beijing whose greed is really vicious. There are 800 children at home, and he vowed to pay 1000 yuan. In the morning and evening, everyone's meal is fifteen pence, and guests will not be added when they come. Later, he was executed and his family property was confiscated. Ma Xie has a room full of old clothes and several warehouses, and the rest of the treasures are endless. There is a man in Nanyang who is very stingy. After the solstice winter, his son-in-law came to see him. He only prepared a glass of wine and a few pieces of roe deer meat The son-in-law thought it was too simple and ate it all at once. The man was surprised and had to make do with it. After adding a few times, he turned to blame his daughter and said, "A certain lang loves drinking so much that you have been poor." After his death, several sons competed for the inheritance, so his brother killed his brother.
Women are in charge of eating and drinking at home, and only engage in wine, food and clothes, and do it properly. The state can't let her ask about major policies, and the state can't let her do business. If you are really smart and knowledgeable, just help your husband and do something he can't reach. Don't let hens crow in the morning, it will lead to disaster.
Women in Jiangdong seldom communicate with foreign countries. Some of the married Xin family members have known each other for more than ten years, and only send messages or gifts to show their hospitality. The custom in Yecheng is to let women be masters of their own affairs, debate the merits of lawsuits, meet the audience, fill the road by car, fill the yamen for Luo, get an official position for her son, and complain to her husband about grievances. This should be the legacy of a constant generation, right? Poor families in the south pay attention to gfd, horses and chariots, and must pay attention to neatness, while children are inevitably hungry and cold. In Hebei, women are the main body of social interaction and entertainment, and the frontier is rich in gold and jade, so we can't lack them. However, the horse is thin, and the slave is only a few words. When talking between lovers, sometimes "son" and "you" are commensurate, and the words are not limited to this.
Women in Hebei, engaged in weaving and spinning, making embroidered silk products, are much better than women in Jiangdong.
Jiang Taigong said: "Raising too many daughters is an expense." Chen Fan, Minister of the Later Han Dynasty, said, "Thieves don't want to steal a family with five daughters." Daughter's dowry is expensive enough and painful enough. But what can you do with her? She is born of all living beings and remains of ancestors. Many people in the world gave birth to daughters, but they did not raise them, killing their own flesh and blood. Can we expect to be blessed in heaven? I have a distant relative, and there are many prostitutes and concubines at home. I'll send a servant to wait for me. When I am in labor, I will lean against the doorpost and look at the window. If I give birth to a baby girl, I will take it away and kill it at once, and my mother will cry at once. I really can't bear to listen.
A woman's habit is to spoil her son-in-law and abuse her daughter-in-law. A brother who dotes on her daughter-in-law will have resentment, and a sister who abuses her daughter-in-law will easily be slandered. In this way, it seems that whether a woman marries or not, she will offend her family, which is caused by her mother. Even as the saying goes, "Los Angeles begins to eat." Said the daughter-in-law was left out in the cold to retaliate against her mother-in-law This is a common problem at home, can you not be vigilant!
Getting married requires finding a poor family, which is an old custom of our ancestor Hou Jing. Modern people get married, some receive bride price to sell their daughters, and some transport silk to buy their daughters-in-law. These people are more powerful than their ancestors. Haggle over every ounce, asking for more and getting less in return is no different from doing business, so that some people get a dirty son-in-law, and some people control their houses in the hands of evil daughters-in-law, greedy for fame and gain, which brings shame. Can such a thing be reckless?
If you borrow other people's books, you must take good care of them. Repairing the original missing or damaged pages is also one of the hundred good deeds of the literati. Lu Jiang, a native of Jiyang, never finishes reading books. Even if there is something urgent, he has to wait for the books to be neat before getting up, so that the books will not be damaged and people will not bother him to borrow them. Some people throw books on the console table, which makes them scattered all over the floor. Most of them are stained by children's maids and concubines and damaged by wind, rain, insects and rats. This is really immoral. Every time I read a book written by a saint, I never read it carelessly and disrespectfully. Waste paper has the meaning of the Five Classics and the name of a wise man, so it dare not be used in dirty places.
Our family never talks about witches or monks praying for ghosts and gods; It is useless to set up a Dojo to pray. This is what you see. Don't spend money on vain things like lich.
Chinese Translation and Translation of Classical Chinese