We all know that Zhu Yuanzhang was not an emperor from a royal family, but a beggar. When he was a beggar, he had been groping at the bottom. He was bullied and frightened by all kinds of people everywhere. He knew the sufferings of the people, so he hated them very much. Corrupt officials are greedy for money, so he became an emperor. Once such people are found out, they will be tortured and beheaded.
At that time, one of his ministers, Fan Congwen, felt that if he was greedy, he would behead him and make it public. He thinks these criminal laws are a bit too cruel. Then he wrote the throne to the emperor many times, and then Zhu Yuanzhang hated this kind of thing very much. He doesn't want others to stop him, and he can't tolerate others saying that if others put in a good word for them, he will think that they are corrupt officials, and he also says that he is disobedient. Then Zhu Yuanzhang executed Fan Congwen, who was clearly on the throne for just reasons.
Before Fan Congwen questioned, Zhu Yuanzhang inadvertently looked through his personal identity file and found that he was the grandson of Fan Zhongyan, a famous minister in the Northern Song Dynasty, 13 generations. Then he was very, very excited and surprised, so he went to inquire about his life story and found that he was indeed Fan Zhongyan's grandson. He was exempted from the death penalty on the spot. In addition to his death sentence, he also told the world that he could have avoided five deaths and achieved five.
Because Zhu Yuanzhang didn't read any books when he was born, he especially respected Fan Zhongyan and naturally respected his grandson, feeling that they were all loyal ministers with merits. I have a declared political pursuit of governing the world, and I think I should learn from them.