It’s not that people in ancient times didn’t have treasures, it’s just that the things they regarded as treasures were different from those of today.
Sun Shuao was ill. When he was about to die, he warned his son: "The king has given me land many times, but I have not accepted it. If I die, the king will give you land, and you must Don't accept fertile and fertile land. There is a Qiu between Chu and Yue. The land is barren and the place name is very unlucky. Chu people are afraid of ghosts, but Yue people are superstitious about ghosts and gods, so they can keep the land for a long time. , I’m afraid this is the only land left.” After Sun Shuao’s death, the King of Chu indeed gave the fertile land to his son, but Sun Shuao’s son declined and asked for it to be given to Qiu Qiu, so this land has not been occupied by others to this day. Sun Shuao's wisdom lies in knowing not to regard interests in the world's mind as interests. Knowing how to regard things that others hate as things that one likes is what makes a righteous person different from the world.
Wu Yuan fled, and the Chu State urgently pursued him. He climbed the Taihang Mountains, looked at the State of Zheng from afar, and said: "This country has a difficult terrain and many smart people; but its king is a mediocre monarch, and it is not enough to plan big things with him." The Wu Yuan left the State of Zheng and went to the State of Xu to pay a visit. Xu Gong also asked about the country he should go to. Xu Gong didn't answer and spat toward the southeast. Wu Yuan paid homage twice, accepted the advice and said: "I know the country I should go to." So he set off for the country of Wu. Passing by the State of Chu, I arrived at the bank of the Yangtze River and wanted to cross the river. He saw an old man holding a boat and was about to fish, so he walked over and asked the old man to send him across the river. The old man sent him across the river. The Wu member asked the old man his name, but the old man refused to tell him. Wu Yuan took off his sword and gave it to the old man, saying, "This is a sword worth thousands of gold. I am willing to give it to you." The old man refused to accept it and said, "According to the law of Chu, whoever captures Wu Yuan will Granted the title of Zhigui, a salary of ten thousand stones, and a thousand yi of gold. In the past, Wu Zixu passed by here, and I didn't catch him to receive the reward. Now, what do I do with your sword worth a thousand gold? "Wu Yuan arrived in Wu State? , sent people to the riverside to look for the old man, but could not find him. From then on, the soldiers must offer sacrifices to the old man every time they eat, and say: "Old man on the river!" The virtues of heaven and earth are extremely great, and they have nourished all living things in abundance, so why should heaven and earth not do anything? But asked for nothing. In this world, you have done things that benefit others, but you want nothing. Your name cannot be known, and your figure cannot be seen. I am afraid that the only one who has reached this state is the old man by the river!
If you put a hundred pieces of gold and yellow rice balls in front of a child now, the child will definitely grab the yellow rice balls; if you put He's jade and a hundred gold pieces in front of a humble and ignorant person, the humble and ignorant person will People will definitely take away a hundred gold; if they place the He family's jade and the wise sayings about morality in front of the sage, the sage will definitely listen to the wise sayings. The more profound their wisdom, the more precious the things they take; the lower their wisdom, the cruder the things they take.