Eron: Let your servants be reborn from the sea like you! Give him the blessing of sea salt, give him the blessing of rock, give him the blessing of steel. The dead will surely rise again, even more powerfully.
Let your servant be born again from the sea, as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel. What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger .
Bowen Marsh: Kneel down as a child - rise up, men of the Night's Watch.
We dedicate the loyalty of Greywaterwatch to the Master of Winterfell, and we dedicate our fires, hearts, and harvests to you. Our swords, spears, and bows are at your call. Please have mercy on our hardships, help our embarrassment, treat everyone justly and equally, and we will always follow you.
I swear in the name of the earth and the rivers.
I swear in the name of bronze and steel.
We swear an oath in the name of ice and fire.
The long night is coming, and I will keep watch from now on until I die.
I will not take a wife, I will not fief a land, I will not have children.
I will not wear a crown or compete for honors.
I will fulfill my duties faithfully and live and die here.
I am the sword in the dark, the guard on the wall,
the fire that withstands the cold, the light at dawn, the horn that wakes the sleeping, the shield that protects the kingdom.
I dedicate my life and honor to the Night Watch, tonight and every night.
Aemon: As mortals, the gods in heaven give us the ability to love. That is the most beautiful gift to us, but it is also our deepest sorrow.
Tormund: What happened to the leg?
Jon: Arrow wound. I think Ygritte shot it.
Tormund: This is woman. I can kiss you one day, and I can pierce you with arrows the next day.
Jon: She's dead.
Tormund (shaking his head sadly): Really? What a waste. If I were ten years younger, I would steal her myself. Her hair, alas, the hottest fire burns out the quickest, (lifting the mead bag) Born for Ygritte, for the kiss of fire!
Jon: Born for Ygritte, and kissed by fire.
Varys: Lord Eddard, you are an upright and upright person. I often forget this because I rarely meet people like you in my life. When I saw what honesty and honor did to you, I finally understood why.
Dany: So tell me - what did he say when he touched a man's shoulder with his sword? ‘Rise up and kill the weak’? Or 'get up and protect them'? Viserys said that by the Trident River, countless warriors died fighting under the banner of the True Dragon King - did they sacrifice their lives because they believed in Rhaegar's beliefs, or were they greedy for Rhaegar's money?
Jorah: Your Majesty, everything you said is correct. But Rhaegar lost at the Trident. He lost the duel, the war, the kingdom, and his life. His blood traveled eastward along with the ruby ??on his breastplate, and the usurper Robert stepped on his body to steal the Iron Throne. Rhaegar fought bravely, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably, and Rhaegar died inexplicably.
In just a few words, his (James) life is so poor and empty. At least, Jaime thinks that Ser Gerold should record less of Barristan's experience in the joust, and mention his deeds of pacifying the Kingswood Brotherhood with Ser Arthur Dayne in one fell swoop. In fact, when "Big Belly" Benn was about to crush Earl Sumner's head, it was he who saved the Earl's life - although he failed to catch the murderer. He once fought the Smiling Knight alone, but it was Sir Arthur who ended him. Ah, what a glorious battle it was, what a great enemy. The Smiling Knight is a little crazy. Although he is cruel in dealing with things, he still has a chivalrous demeanor. The key is that he does not know what fear is. But the Dane of that year, the Dane of Dawn... saw that the bandit's sword had numerous gaps, so he took the initiative to stop and asked the other party to get a new one. "Actually, I want your white sword," the robber knight said casually despite the dozen wounds on his body as the fight continued. "Very well, I'll give it to you, Sir Sir." The Dawn Sword replied, and then killed him with one sword.
At that time, the world was so simple, James thought to himself, and the people around him were like newly forged swords, sharp and bright. Was my fifteen years old a dream after all? Everyone has gone to the grave: "The Sword of Dawn", the Smiling Knight, the White Bull, Prince Lewin, Ser Oswell River, who loves a bit of dark humor, the warm-hearted Jon Darry, Simon Toby and His Kingswood Brotherhood, even straight old Sumner Craher... they were all gone. And as for me, the boy I once was... when did he enter the grave? When you put on a white robe? When you slit Aerys' throat? That boy wanted to be Arthur Dayne since he was a child, but somehow his life took a turn and he finally became the Smiling Knight.
Melisandre: You are never afraid to tell the truth to the king, so why would you lie to yourself? Open your eyes, sir.
Davos: What do you want me to see?
Melisandre: See the nature of the world clearly, the truth surrounds you, and everything is clear at a glance. The night is dark and dangerous everywhere, but the day is bright and prosperous. One black, one white. One ice, one fire. Hate and love, bitterness and sweetness, woman and man, pain and joy, winter and summer, evil and justice. (She takes another step closer) Death or life. Contradictions have existed since ancient times, and wars are everywhere.
Davos: War?
Melisandre: Yes, war. The war between two true gods, the Onion Knight, is not seven, not one, not a hundred, not a thousand, but only two! Do you think I traveled halfway around the world to put another arrogant king on an empty throne? You are wrong, the war started from the beginning of the world, and before the judgment comes, everyone must choose a side. On one side is Allah R'hllor, the King of Light, the Heart of Holy Flame, the God of Shadow and Fire; on the other side is the ancient god who is incomprehensible to mortals, the God of Darkness, the Soul of Black Ice, the God of Night and Fear. Our choice is not Baratheon or Lannister, Greyjoy or Stark. Our choices are life or death, light or darkness.
(Probe: I accidentally discovered a detail, "There is ice and there is fire. Hate and love. Bitter and sweet. Male and female. Pain and pleasure. Winter and summer. Evil and good... ", among which "Male and female" is translated as "female and male", probably because of the bland tone of the context, but the original text does imply that women are "sweet", "joyful" and "loving". . Actually, I think so too... But since Aunt Mei is dedicated to the ultimate war, she shouldn’t mind the trivial matter of feminism~)
Old Xiong: Poaching and rape were prohibited by the law when you came. , debt, murder, robbery and abduction. You came as children, alone and in chains, with no friends and no honor. When you come, you may be rich and honorable, or you may be destitute. You come from a noble family, you may only have the name of illegitimate son, or you may even have no name, but these are not important. Everything is in the past. Above the Great Wall, we are all one family. This evening, as the sun sets in the west and the night falls, you will take an oath. From now on, you are brothers of the Night's Watch who have sworn to serve. Your crimes will be cleared and your debts will be cancelled. Likewise, you must erase your former family loyalties, put aside your old grudges, and forget your past loves and grudges. You will be reborn here. The Night's Watch serves the Kingdom. Not for the king, not for the nobility, not for the honor and disgrace of the wealthy family, regardless of wealth, glory, or the love of children, everything is just for the peace and tranquility of the kingdom and its people. Night watchmen do not marry wives or have children. We take responsibility as our wives and honor as our concubines, and you are our only sons.
Varys: The High Septon once told me that we suffer because of our sins. If this is true, Lord Eddard, please tell me... Why is it that in the power games played by princes and nobles like you, it is always the innocent who suffer the most?
The High Septon once told me that as we sin, so do we suffer. If that's true, Lord Eddard, tell me...why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play the game of thrones?...
Baristan: I am not a maester, and I will not quote history, Your Majesty. My life lies in the sword, not in books. But every child in the Seven Kingdoms knows that the Targaryens have always been on the verge of madness. Your father is not the first exception. King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin, and that whenever a Targaryen is born, the gods toss the coin into the air and the world watches with bated breath as it falls.
On the morning of the third day, the city gate opened and a column of slaves slowly walked out. Dany mounted her silver horse and went to meet him. As they passed, Missandei told them that they owed their freedom to Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and Mother of Dragons.
"Misha!" a brown-skinned man called to her. He was holding a child on his shoulders, a little girl, and she was chanting the same word in a high-pitched voice. "Missa! Missa!"
Dany looked at Missandei. "What did they call?"
"This is the Ghiscari language, ancient and pure. It means 'mother'."
Dany's chest swayed. I will never have another child, she remembered the Witch's words. Then she raised her hands tremblingly. Maybe she smiled. She must have smiled. Because the man also grinned and shouted again, and the others followed suit. "Misha!" they cried, "Misha! Misha!" They all smiled at her, stretched out their hands to her, and bowed to her.
Some people call "Mela", some people call "Ilea", or "Quise", or "Tato", but no matter what language, it all means the same. Mother. They call me mother.
The sound of chanting and shouting gradually increased in intensity, gradually spread, and gradually expanded. The loud chorus startled her mount, and the mare drew back, shaking her head and swishing her silver-grey tail. The chorus shook the yellow walls of Yunkai, and more slaves came every moment. They filed out of the city gate and cheered together. At this moment, they were all running towards her, pushing and stumbling, trying to touch her hands, caress the silver horse's mane, kiss her legs and feet. Her poor bloodriders couldn't hold them all back, and even the mighty Belwas grumbled in frustration.
Ser Jorah urges her to leave, but Dany remembers the scene in the Everlasting Hall. "They will not hurt me," she told him. "They are my children, Jorah." She laughed heartily, turned her horse on her heels, and rode toward the crowd, bells jingling in her hair in sweet victory. . She first walked quickly, then trotted, and then flew like the wind, letting her braids flutter behind her. The freed slaves parted before her. "Mother!" Hundreds, thousands, ten thousand people shouted together. "Mother!" they all chanted, running after her, fingers brushing her legs, "Mother, mother, mother!"
Ygritte: You are mine, mine, Just like I am yours too. If you want to die, let's die together. All men must die, Jon Snow, but first they must live well.
“I can give you freedom, but I cannot give you safety,” Dany warned. “I must cross the world to fight a war with an unknown future. Follow me, and you may starve. Will get sick, even be killed."
"Valar Morghulis," Missandei said in Old Valyrian.
"All men die," Dany agreed, "but we can work hard and change our lives."
Drogo: This poison seller wants to take the life out of me If she ran away from the moon, let him run after her, let him run. Jhogo, Jorah of the Andals, I say to you two, take any horse from my herd—except my own red horse and the silver horse I gave to the moon of my life as a bridal gift— -It's yours. I give you this gift to thank you for your service. As for Rhaegal, son of Drogo, who rides on the horse of the world, I will give him a gift too. I will give him the iron chair where his mother's father once sat, and I will give him the Seven Kingdoms. I, Drogo, Khal, am to do this. (His voice rises, and he raises his fists and shouts to the sky) I will take my khalasar west to the end of the world, ride my wooden horse across the black salt water, and do what no other khal has ever done in the past. . I will kill the men in iron suits, tear down their stone houses, rape their women, seize their children as slaves, take their useless idols back to Vaes Dothraki, and salute the Mother Mountain . I, Drogo, son of Barbo, swear here, before the Mother of God, by the stars in the sky. -Wisdom
——Most people would rather deny the facts than face the truth.
——Flying all begins with falling.
Quotations of Ice and Fire - Generosity
——The dead will not die, but will rise again, and their power will be stronger.
—As for Rhaegal, son of Drogo, who rides on the horse of the world, I will give him a gift too. I will give him the iron chair where his mother's father once sat, and I will give him the Seven Kingdoms.
Quotes from Ice and Fire - Connotation
——Tears are not a woman’s only weapon. There is another one between your legs. It’s best to learn how to use it. Once you learn it, you will have it. The man offers to use the sword for you, and both swords are free.
——After the sun sets, there is no substitute for candles.
Quotes from Ice and Fire - Vicious Tongues and Self-Deprecation
——Why not give a savage an ax? He will pay us back, I swear. But when the time comes, it will be inserted into Mr. Xiong’s skull, which is better than nothing. Why don't we give him all the battle axes and swords? When riding on horseback, they jingle and clank, which makes a lot of noise. Without them, we would probably go faster, straight to the gates of hell.
——I am different from Cersei. I have a beard and she has breasts. If you still can’t tell the difference, uncle, you can count our hands. The one with two is Cersei.
Ed: Whether lies can be done without losing honor depends on the content and purpose.
Tywin: Some victories are won with swords and spears, and some victories are won with pen and paper and crows.
Tyrion: Strategies are like fruits, they take time to mature.
Tyrion: Most people would rather deny the facts than face the truth.
Bran: Can a man be brave when he is afraid?
Ed: People can only be brave when they are afraid.
Petyr: A bag of golden dragons can buy you temporary safety, and a good arrow can guarantee a lifetime of peace.
Petyr: My dear, life is no more than a song. One day you may be disappointed.
Water Dancer's formula: as still as a shadow, as light as a feather, as fast as a snake, as still as water, as soft as silk, as fast as a rabbit, as slippery as an eel, as strong as a bear, as fierce as a wolf, and motionless. Like stone.
Syrio: Fear hurts more than a sword.
Fear cuts deeper than swords.
Theon: Mercy, this is a ruthless trap. Give too much and they say you are weak. Give too little and you become cruel. beast.
Tywin: The stupidest people are usually smarter than those who laugh at them.
Davos: Sometimes the storm is so strong that you have no choice but to furl the sails.
Tyrion: Never forget who you are, because the world will never forget. You have to turn resistance into strength so that there are no weaknesses. Arm yourself with it and no one can use it to hurt you.
Tyrion: There is often a fine line between courage and stupidity.
Three-Eyed Crow: Flying begins with falling.
Eron: We are born to suffer, and suffering makes us strong.
Melisandre: Shadow is the servant of light and the descendant of fire.
Cersei: In Game of Thrones, if you are not the winner, you will only die. There is no middle ground.
Varys: In that case, the real power is these people? Is that true? Where did their swords come from? Who do they listen to? Some people say that knowledge is power, others say that power comes from God, and some even say that power comes from law. But that day, on the steps of Baelor's Great Sept, our devout Archbishop, our legitimate Queen Regent, and the well-informed servant before you were as powerless as any shoemaker and cooper below. Who do you think killed Eddard Stark? Was it Joffrey who gave the order? The execution of Ser Ilyn Payne? Or... is there someone else?
Tyrion: Are you going to solve this damn mystery, or are you going to make my headache worse?
Varys: Isn’t that what I said? Power exists in the human heart. Whatever people believe is power, it is power, neither more nor less.
Tyrion: So power is just a trick?
Varys: Power is like a shadow on a wall, but a shadow can kill. Moreover, even small figures can cast huge shadows.
Tyrion: Lord Varys, strangely enough, I find myself liking you more and more. I'd probably still kill you, but I think I'd feel bad about it.
Petyr: I would like to tell you that there is no wall between us, let alone games, my daughter, but that is impossible. The game of thrones is an eternal game.
Ed: When heavy snow falls and cold wind blows, wolves that walk alone die and wolves that gather in packs live. We can quarrel in the summer, but in the winter we must defend each other, keep each other warm, and share strength.
When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Summer is the time for squabbles. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, share our strengths.
Tyrion: Boy, please remember that although dwarfs all over the world may be considered bastards, bastards are not necessarily considered dwarfs.
Kind people: Under the skin are muscles. Learn to use them. Your face grows on you. Cheeks, lips, ears. Smiles and anger should not come and go like storms. A smile should be a servant, appearing when you call.
Rodrik Harlaw: Dead history is written in ink, living history is written in blood.
Dead history is writ in ink, the living sort in blood.
Petyr: In the game of thrones, the humblest chess piece also has his own desires, and sometimes Refusing to perform the actions you designed for them.