Eight etiquette and four etiquette content: The eight etiquette means the etiquette of appearance, the etiquette of eating and drinking, the etiquette of speaking, the etiquette of treating others, the etiquette of walking, the etiquette of viewing, the etiquette of sightseeing and the etiquette of ceremony. ?Siyi? Mainly when students are 7, 10, 14, and 18 years old, schools must organize entrance ceremonies, growth ceremonies, youth ceremonies, and adult ceremonies for them, so as to educate and guide minors to strengthen their civilized etiquette qualities. Eight Rites and Four Etiquette Promotion Slogan:
1. Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and use youth to shine the most beautiful light.
2. No matter how big things happen, civilization cannot be forgotten.
3. Walk lightly and show others with a smile; provide help in times of need, and love will last forever.
4. Keep the Eight Rites and Four Etiquettes in mind; the spirit of Lei Feng will shine forever.
5. Use less resources and the world will become a better place.
6. Let civilization fill the world and make the world more exciting.
7. Civilization is actually not difficult, just start with the little things around you, these are all easy.
8. Don’t argue when you get on the bus, don’t be afraid when you get off the bus, support the old and the weak, and everyone will praise you.
9. Show Lei Feng’s spirit through every little thing, and let Lei Feng’s love fill the civilized campus.
10. Life is not about sitting back and enjoying the success, but about creating it for us.
11. Honesty does not lie in the moment of reversal, but is hidden in everything we do.
12. Carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues and show the most beautiful light through actions.
13. The plants are green and the water is green. The road house has a new garden and the family business is warm.
14. Don’t spit, let the flowers and plants live a good life. Don't say a bad word and make the world a quieter place.
15. One person’s selfish interests will damage the earth. If everyone pays attention to what they say and do, the earth will be a better place.
16. If people are rude, they will not stand, if things are rude, they will not succeed, and if the country is rude, there will be no peace.
17. Civilized language starts with me, and civilized behavior starts with me.
18. Smile is our language, civilization is our belief.
19. Etiquette is not about appearance, but about details; respect is not about tolerance, but a win-win situation.
20. Give in a step, smile a lot, say three honorifics, and the world will be harmonious.
21. Etiquette is a kind of civilized norm, and etiquette is a kind of quality cultivation.
22. The flowers of mercy are like embroidery at hand, and the grass of mercy is like grass under feet.
23. Civilization is actually not far away from us, it is right around you and me.
24. Let us work together to make the flower of civilization bloom in every corner of the school.
25. Arm yourself with knowledge and decorate yourself with civilization.
26. Green is the hope of civilization, and civilization is the source of happiness.
27. Be courteous when walking in corridors. Keep to the right when going up and down stairs. Civility and politeness are common everywhere.
28. Show a civilized image with every word and deed, and establish a new trend of civilization with every move.
29. Civilization is happiness, civilization is politeness, and civilization is a bridge for communication.
30. Civilization is around you and me, let us act together to make our campus more beautiful and harmonious.
31. One more apology and one more thank you will be a sign of your civility.
32. Sending a love is a big step towards civilization.
33. Civilized etiquette is the most vital seed. It will sprout, bloom and bear fruit in our spiritual world, guide our outlook on life and world view, and spread the flowers of civilization into our lives. middle.
34. Happiness is the origin of civilization, and civilization is the source of happiness.
35. Civilization has eight etiquettes, and growth depends on four etiquettes. Inherit the Chinese Dream and keep virtue in mind.
36. Flowers decorate the world with beauty, and we beautify the campus with actions.
37. Losing the baggage of integrity is equivalent to losing a bright spot in life.
38. It is impolite to go but not come; it is impolite to come but not go.
39. A smile is brighter than light, and integrity is more precious than gems.
40. Be serious when you first enter school, be grateful when you grow up, be tolerant when you are young, and be responsible when you are an adult.
41. There is a language called smile, and a quality called civilization.
42. Protect the ecological environment and advocate new trends in civilization. Create civilized communities and improve people's environment.
43. Hand in hand, we walk with etiquette; heart to heart, we walk with civilization.
44. Spring is warm, flowers are blooming, love is still there, persevere and walk away with a smile.
45. Give me a clean sky, give me a beautiful home, and let me fly freely.
46. Civilization is the origin of happiness, and happiness is the golden key of civilization.
47. If you think about your own life, stop cutting down trees and stop littering.
48. The garbage wants us to send it home. Are you willing?
49. Care for others and be strict with yourself; every little thing starts with me.
50. The flower of civilization needs to be cared for with courtesy, irrigated with tolerance, and cultivated with understanding.
51. The gift of a middle school student, the heart of a middle school student, let’s all cherish it.
52. As long as we bend down, we can let the garbage go home.
53. You must observe the rules when visiting and traveling, behave yourself when dealing with others, and accept and grow healthily.
54. Virtue is a spiritual treasure, but what makes it shine is good etiquette.
55. The country is an ancient civilized country, and the people are based on eight etiquette and four rituals. Proper etiquette and manners make a country civilized and outstanding.
56. Life is to be enjoyed, and a good life is based on civilization.
57. People belong to the earth, please follow the laws of nature, save limited resources, and protect animals.
58. Let Lei Feng’s spirit be remembered in our hearts, let Lei Feng’s deeds be everywhere, and let Lei Feng’s love touch you and me.
59. If everyone is civilized, tomorrow will be better.
60. Civilization is just a little bit away from us, it just depends on whether you are willing to leave or not.
61. Ordinary people’s lungs are red and smokers’ lungs are black. Please don’t become someone with black lungs.
62. Smoking is harmful to your health. For the sake of the people you care about, quit smoking!
63. If you have etiquette, you can travel all over the world, but without etiquette, you can hardly move forward.
64. Forgive others and liberate yourself. Your forgiveness today will be his gratitude tomorrow.
65. Appear well and not flashy, have a fresh hairstyle and a good face; understand the etiquette before serving the table, and do not talk about the sweetness of the grain; safety is the first priority when traveling, and traffic laws should be kept in mind; it is better to be close to nature when traveling, and behave in a civilized manner Keep it in mind; treat others with courtesy and sincerity, and friendliness and harmony are worth a thousand dollars.
66. The eight etiquette and four etiquettes must be observed, the appearance and speech must be careful, and the young people entering school must respect the elderly.
67. The eight etiquette is every bit of life, let us enter the eight etiquette world.
68. Small flowers and grass are also alive. If you step on them and it hurts, they will cry.
69. Good roads, good cars, and civilization are the best; drive fast, drive slowly, and be safe.
70. Civilization is not culture, civilization is in my heart, and civilization can be seen everywhere.
71. Have a good appearance, eat quietly, speak wisely, treat others with respect, act like the wind, be compassionate when appreciating time, travel well, and have peaceful ceremonies.
72. The grass nods to you and the flowers smile to you, making our hearts as beautiful as flowers.
73. Birds fly because of their wings, and the campus is beautiful because of civilization.
74. Civilization dyes the flowers red, turns the grass green, and illuminates our hearts.
75. Those who love others will always be loved by others; those who respect others will always be respected by others.
76. The eight rites are your true heart, and the four rites are your perfect appearance.
77. The quiet atmosphere creates a warm environment, and the silent meditation gives you infinite wisdom.
78. Birds fly freely because of their wings, flowers are beautiful because of their fragrance, and campuses will be more advanced because of civilization.
79. Civilization is the essence of a country. Without civilization, a country will be scattered like water.
80. Let us rebuild a civilized earth together.
81. Please keep the dining table hygienic and give us a clean dining environment.
82. If you lose today, you are not considered a failure, because you will come again tomorrow. If you lose money, you are not a failure, because the value of life is not in the money bag. If you lose civilization, you are a complete failure, because you have lost the true meaning of being a human being.