The nature of heaven and earth, people are expensive; Man's trip is greater than filial piety, and filial piety is greater than strict father. What does this mean?
Ceng Zi said, "What a great filial piety!" Confucius said, "The filial piety of a husband, the classics of heaven, the righteousness of the earth, and the trip of a person are also. The classics of heaven and earth, but the classics of the people. Then the sky is clear, and because of the benefits of the land, it is suitable for the world. It is based on the failure of teaching and lax management. The first king knew that education could transform people into people, so he showed fraternity first, while the people kept close to their relatives. Chen was benevolent and the people prospered. Before the soldiers, the people do not dispute; Guided by rites and music, the people are in harmony; Show it with likes and dislikes, and the people know it is forbidden. " The poem says,' A wise teacher is Yin, and the people have a long-term vision.' "Three talents are heaven and earth." This chapter says that saints are called three talents because heaven and earth conform to people's wishes and teach people filial piety. See Confucius said that the first five people's filial piety, because of sigh and good results. The master replied that this kind of filial piety is often true in heaven and is also applicable on earth. Man is the head of a hundred lines, the sun, the moon and the stars move in the sky, and everything on the earth never stops. The filial piety of people who practice the law of heaven and earth has not stopped for a long time. He also said that the sage's truth is the sky and the sun. The light of the moon will follow people's natural filial piety in the future because of the wealth on the earth. Because of this, the above education does not need to be purged, and the laws of natural achievements do not need to be strict. The ancient sages will see that this kind of filial piety can educate the people. Because of this, they will naturally not abandon their parents because they love the people first. Chen said that virtue, benevolence and people will naturally rise to doing good, and then respect first and then humble. People naturally do not fight with each other, and people are naturally friendly and harmonious. The holy king is good, and good and evil are evil. This will educate people that it is natural for them not to violate the ban. All are good, not evil. These things only say that since ancient times, the holy king has to teach people to be good, and the people just have to do it. Confucius quoted Yin in the Zhou Dynasty as saying that the people looked forward to him, and the people first looked at the man mentioned above.