Dementors are Harry Potter's greatest fear, because dementors let Harry hear his mother's screams when she died! However, dementors can use the patron saint to deal with it, as long as they cast the spell of "calling the gods to guard", and Harry Potter has completely mastered this spell. His patron saint is a stag, a deformed form of his father!
The prisoners in Azkaban escaped, and the dementors, the guards of the magic prison, chased them all the way. They are hollow, invisible and wrapped in black cloth. People will be sucked away all the happiness and courage when they face the almost rotting eyes of dementors.
Every time Harry Potter meets a dementor, he is robbed of his soul and passes out. So, under the guidance of teacher Lu Ping, he learned to fight against these depressed shadows.
Dementors are blind and can only distinguish people by smell and feeling, which is why Batius Crouch Jr. and Sirius can escape.
Under the influence of dementors, the wizard will feel the light around him absorbed and gradually fall into darkness. Courage and hope fade, and nothingness gradually occupies the heart.
In the final battle, dementors patrol Voldemort in the forbidden forest (see chapter 34 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).
Explanation 2
The title of the fifth chapter of the novel is Harry Potsdam's Prisoner.
Explanation 3
Horror: Most prisoners in Azkaban were driven crazy by them.
Features: only people's feelings can be distinguished, but animals can't, because their feelings are very chaotic, so he can only hurt people.
Ghosts are one of the most hateful creatures on earth. They swarmed in the darkest and dirtiest places, cheering for corruption and despair, and sucking peace, hope and happiness from the surrounding air. If you get too close to dementors, any good feelings and happy memories will be sucked away by them. If you can do it, it will live on you for a long time and finally make you like it-soulless and evil. All you have left is the worst memory of your life.
Dementors' headscarves will only be put down when using the last and worst weapon. The following thing, called the Dementor's Kiss, is what Dementors want to destroy completely. They put their chin on the victim's mouth and sucked out the victim's soul. Not killing them, but worse than killing them. Only the brain and heart are working, no more self-feeling, no memory, nothing. There is no chance of redemption. People kissed by dementors are only alive, just walking dead. The soul cannot be redeemed.
In Tolkien's Middle-earth legend, Nazg (in slang, meaning ring, ring) and gul (meaning necromancer, necromancer) or Ringwraiths, also known as the Nine Knights and the Black Knight, are Sauron's most loyal and terrible servants.
The Nine Ghosts of the Lord of the Rings became Sauron's most powerful slaves in the second phase of Middle-earth. It is said that three of them were originally Numano the Great. They are all powerful mortals. Sauron gave them nine rings made for human beings, but didn't tell them that they could control them through the power of their rings. This is also a trick of Sauron. Their depravity confirms this:
"Those who use the power of the Nine Commandments, whether kings, wizards or soldiers, have become extremely powerful in their time. They gained great glory and wealth, which also led to their fall. They seem to have endless lives, although living is becoming more and more unbearable for them. If they want, they can see things that no one can see without being seen by any creature living in the sun in this world; But most of the time they were trapped by Soren's visions. Then one by one, they were bound by a ring that gave them strength. They wear rings, always invisible, and can wander between reality and shadow. They are Nazgor, the spirit of the Lord of the Rings, and Sauron's most terrible servant. Darkness is with them, and the sound of death comes from their mouths. "
The power of the corruption of the Lord of the Rings greatly prolonged their life, and their bodies gradually withered until they could not see the mortals at all. Only through the black clothes they wear can they see their shapes. The red light from their eyes is dazzling even during the day. When they are angry, their eyes burn like hell. They have all kinds of weapons. At>, they are equipped with iron swords, while their leader, Witch-king of Angmar, holds a poisonous magic sword. Later, at>, he was holding a long sword and a hammer covered with flames.
Of course, these powerful creatures have other invisible and deadly weapons. The aura of fear always surrounds them, and all the creatures around them will be affected by it (except some of the most powerful creatures). Their breathing (called dark breathing) is highly toxic. Victims caught in dark breath or dark shadow will fall into endless despair, nightmares, coma and even death. A plant called ahthelas can be used to combat this effect. The most famous victims of (…-) darkness are faramir (the second son of Regent Gondor), Irwin (Princess Lohan) and Melly (this need not be named) in The Battle of the Lord of the Rings. . . ), it was all cured by Aragon with Wang Cao.
In addition, their terrible howling will lead to fear and despair. The leader of the Ghost of the Lord of the Rings is a famous user of dark magic. According to Tolkien, absorbing fear is their most powerful weapon:
"They don't have a strong physical attack ability on those who are fearless, but the fear they have and absorb will be greatly enhanced in the dark."
2. the story of the nazgul ...
The nazgul first appeared around 225 1 in the second period, and was quickly recognized as Sauron's main servant, less than 300 years after they got the ring. The Ring of Rings disappeared after Sauron was defeated by the last alliance between humans and elves in 3434 (it seems to be scattered), but Sauron's Ring will not be completely destroyed unless it is destroyed.
They reappeared around 1300, when Witch-king of Angmar, the leader of the nazgul, led Sauron's army against the northern kingdom of Arnold's successor kingdoms: Hudau, Kadolan and Altdaene. He was later defeated at 1975 and returned to Mordor, where he gathered eight other nazguls, finally eliminating the remnants of Arnold and preparing for Soren's return.
In 2000, the nazgul surrounded Minas Ishir and occupied the city two years later. Since then, the city has become a fortress of the nazgul, Minas Maohulu. They are going to rebuild Thrawn's army here, and they have obtained the palantír of the Dark Lord (those crystal balls, I don't know-). 1942, Solon returned to Modo, and 295 1 announced his return. Two or three nazguls were sent to Dolgodur, his fortress in the dark forest, and stationed there.
30 17,> Shortly before the story begins, after hearing the news of the Lord of the Rings (unless otherwise specified below, all of them are Sauron's Lord of the Rings), Sauron ordered the Lord of the Rings to take it back from Baggins in Shire. The nazgul pretended to be a black knight, and learned from Gollum (the ugly one, the famous saying "My Baby") that bilbo baggins (he didn't know) held the Lord of the Rings. Around 30 18, the Lord of the Rings team was called "Nine Riders" with reference to "Nine Knights".
The nazgul rides dark horses, which are specially trained to resist fear in Modo. Now, they already know that the ring is in Frodo's hands, and he is Bilbo's heir. At the top of the weather, they met Frodo and his gang, where the witch king stabbed Frodo with the sword of the hairy gourd, leaving a small sword on Frodo's wound. When they were washed away by the flood in the Bruning River (the water was made by Ellund with the strongest element of the three elf rings, and the shape of the horse in the water was made by Gandalf, in order to strengthen the power of the water), their mounts also drowned. The nazgul was forced to return to the Modo rally. When they reappeared, they rode the shadow dragon, so they became the winged nazgul.
Witch-king of Angmar was finally killed by Irving and Melly ... May stabbed the witch king in the knee with a powerful magic tomb sword, giving Irving a chance to stab the sword between the crown and the hood of the witch king.
The remaining eight nazguls rode flying beasts to attack western troops in the battle in front of Modoheimen. Later, when Frodo put the ring on Mount Doomsday, Sauron ordered the remaining eight nazguls to fly quickly to stop Frodo. But it's too late. As the ring fell into the flame, all the nazgul were completely destroyed.