"Legend of Soldiers" is a science fiction cartoon dubbed by Wei Qi, Lu Gengyi and Ao Lei. The film has bright colors and shocking special effects. Netizens also rated this film relatively well. At the same time, Go check it out!
A letter to Virtual Impression
Hello Virtual Impression, I am a diaosi who has been following you since my freshman year, from "La La La Demacia" to Five years have passed by in the current "Legend of Heroes".
From the beginning of waiting for updates every day to scolding her every day, from gathering people to watch Maria in the dormitory in the freshman year, to now carrying a backpack to work, from Ato's "If the queen loves me, she will not be me." Queen” shouted Atuo! Ato! It was inexplicable that Qiangwei suddenly raised a gun and forced Xiao Lun to ram the warship.
Yes, after watching "The Company", the biggest feeling in my heart was that it was inexplicable.
I was looking forward to "The Company". When I saw Xiao Lun and Big D meeting in the back alley, I suddenly became excited, thinking that "The Company" would have a different story. A more macroscopic universe of the Super Seminary, but I was more disappointed than expected.
"Legend of Soldiers" has very exquisite graphics, top-notch voice actors, and the editing of the graphics is also considered top-notch in the country. However, such top-notch production was buried by an inexplicable plot.
The plot of "The Company" is so bad that it is unbearable. From "La La La Demacia" to the "Super Seminary" trilogy, the plot has never had any flaws. has been resolved, but I have to say that the screenwriter's line skills are recognized by many people. At least the few big guys who were waiting for the update in the dormitory sincerely admired the exquisite lines of the characters in the play. I am amazed. When Carl was questioned about causing death, he said the classic argument "That's because they treat death as a bad thing." I can still recall the explosion in my head when I saw this line