Zengzi once said: "Those who use teachers will be kings, those who use friends will dominate, and those who use disciples will perish." If you want to be king, you must use the principle of getting along with teachers. If your subordinates are called People like teachers have the highest probability of success; UF is also good, treating talented people as friends, and they can discuss and study with each other; For people who have such things, things will be very troublesome in this case.
I personally think that Zengzi is telling us that we can choose someone who is better than ourselves, who is as good as ourselves, but not worse. This evaluation standard is comprehensive, ranging from character to professional level.
This poem is really fresh in my memory. Although it describes the changing face of Lushan Mountain, it actually points out very clearly in the use of people: the observation problem should be objective and comprehensive. If it is subjective and one-sided, you will not get the correct answer. conclusion. Tourists see different scenery depending on their location. Because people are different, they have different perspectives on problems and different thinking patterns, so they will make different judgments and draw different conclusions.
Only when people get rid of the limitations of subjectivity and objectivity, stay outside Lushan Mountain and take a long-term view, can they truly see the true face of Lushan Mountain. To recognize the essence of things, we must observe them from all angles, both objectively and comprehensively.
This poem warns corporate employees to observe from multiple angles and think from multiple dimensions. At the same time, it also tells us that if we use people's strengths and avoid their weaknesses, and do things that we are not good at or unwilling to do, we will inevitably fail.
Gold mining requires thousands of filtrations. Although it is hard work, only when all the sediment is washed out will the shining gold be revealed. The poet was repeatedly demoted, but his fighting spirit never faded and his spirit was optimistic. Although he went through a lot of hardships in the remote exile, in the end he was able to show that he was not useless sand, but bright gold.
Real talents must be tested and must stand the test. Only after going through many things can you know whether they are gold or not. From this perspective, if you are a talent, you don't have to be sad, gold will always shine.
If all the gold is buried, it can only mean that he is blind.
"Five Poems" is a collection of poems by Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. It is a set of political lyric poems rich in philosophy. In these five poems, based on his own experience, the author expresses his views on the truth and falsehood, blessings and misfortune, nobility, wealth and poverty, life and death in social life, in order to express his attitude towards the social politics at that time and warn the world.
This poem illustrates a truth in popular language: If you want to gain a comprehensive understanding of people and things, you must pass the test of time and measure and judge from the entire history, not just based on a moment. Draw conclusions about a phenomenon.