Yue Fei was very filial. Her mother stayed north of the Yellow River, so he sent people to find his mother and brought her back. Her mother was ill and would not recover for a long time, so Yue Fei had to give her medicine in person. Yue Fei's mother died, and Yue Fei did not eat or drink for three days. There was no maid to serve him at home, so Wu Jie had always admired Fei and was willing to be friends with him, dressing up as a beautiful woman and giving it to him. Yue Fei said: "The Lord has been working hard for the country all day long, how can it be the time when his ministers are greedy for pleasure?" Yue Fei did not accept it and sent the beauty back. Wu Jie admired Fei even more. Yue Fei was an alcoholic, and the emperor warned him: "You can't drink like this until you get to Heshuo." So he stopped drinking. The emperor once wanted to build a residence for Fei, but Yue Fei declined: "How can we talk about family matters before the enemy has been eliminated!" Someone asked: "When will the world be at peace?" Yue Fei said: "Civil officials do not love money, and military generals are not afraid of death. , the world will be at peace."