villain [fǎn pài]
villain; negative character; villain (in drama, etc.)
Chinese-English Dictionary
villain (in drama, etc.); negative character
Villain?[fǎn pài]
[villain (in drama, etc.) ; negative character] Bad guy in literary and artistic works, villain
Bilingual examples
The only villain I can think of is Captain Hook (Captain?) in the Disney cartoons I saw when I was a child. Hook) The?only?villain?that?springs?to?mind?for?me?is?Captain?Hook?in?the?Disney?cartoon of?my?childhood.
Let’s put it this way: If a director makes a movie and uses Tea Party rhetoric in the mouth of a villain, I think it’s fair to interpret that as a liberal connotation (in fact, a lot of conservative pop culture Critics do this). Put?it?this?way:?If?a?filmmaker?made?a?movie?that?put?Tea?Party?rhetoric?in?the?mouth?of?its?villain,?I?think?it? would?be?fair?to?read?that?as?a?liberal?message?(?and,?indeed,?most?conservative?pop?culture?critics?would).?
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