Duke Ding of Lu asked Confucius, "Can a monarch subjugate his country with a word?" Confucius said, "Your words are not correct, and if no one dares to go against them, it will be a real loss of the country." The Analects of Confucius
Confucius' words have several meanings: Wang's words are not necessarily right; The king's words have great consequences, and the prosperity and loss of the country can be caused by them; When a king said something wrong and did something wrong, it would be nice to have a straight man give him advice.
Zhang Dainian said that Confucius respected the monarch, not advocated the individual dictatorship of the monarch. He also said that although Confucius respected the monarch, he opposed dictatorship. One of its main historical materials is the passage of Confucius answering questions from the public.
In fact, there are two Confucius: one is original, and the other is modified and distorted. Confucius who does not advocate dictatorship is the true original Confucius in history. The downfall of Kongjiadian is the reformed Confucius.
Mencius said that the people are more important than the monarch; He said that the king of Wu attacked Zhou, not my regicide, but my only husband. "I have never heard of regicide." This thought of opposing husbands and tyrants is in the same strain as Confucius' thought of not advocating dictatorship. This is the inheritance and development of Confucius.
Zhu Yuanzhang, the great dictator, hated Mencius' guts, and thought that "the contempt for the monarch" was his own downfall, so he ordered the Confucius Temple in the world not to establish Mencius' memorial tablet again. However, he did not study Confucius' answers to public questions. If he knew that Confucius did not advocate dictatorship, I am afraid he would not be polite to Confucius.
Confucius has both monarchical power and people-oriented. He thinks of the monarch, but he also advocates the admonition of the courtiers. "Luz asked Shi Jun, and Confucius said,' Do not deceive others, but commit crimes.' "Confucius' philosophical analysis can't fool the monarch, but it can make suggestions directly. Later, the system of admonishing ministers was related to Confucius.
From Confucius to Sun Yat-sen, they never advocated dictatorship, and "the people are more important than the monarch" to democracy. Among them, Zhang Hengqu and Huang Zongxi are valuable legacies of China culture.