Genius only means hard-working alloneslife. Genius only means hard-working all one's life.
- Mendeleev
Happiness is away station between too much and too little. Happiness is a stop between too much and too little - Anonymous
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world. For the world, you are a People; but for someone, you are his whole world - Anonymous
Itsjustafeeling is just a feeling - Anonymous
Never underestimate your power to change yourself!, Never underestimate your power to change yourself - —Anonymous
These secrets of success is consistent to purpose. The secret of success is to be consistently faithful to the goal —Anonymous
We are (are!) in love We are in love —Bear Grylls< /p>
Enrichyourlifetoday,.yesterdayishistory.tomorrowismystery. Yesterday is a thing of the past, tomorrow will be full of magic - Anonymous
heonlylimittourrealizationoftomorrowwillbeourdoubtsoftoday. The only obstacle to realizing tomorrow's ideals is today's doubts - Anonymous
One thorn of experience is worth ahole wilderness of warning. One painful experience is worth a thousand warnings - Anonymous