Confucius said: "Living with good people is like entering the house of orchids and not smelling their fragrance for a long time, then they will be transformed; living with evil people is like entering the house of abalones and not smelling their fragrance for a long time." The smell is also transformed with it. "Shuo Yuan." "Miscellaneous Words" Confucius said: "Getting along with good people is like being in a room planted with orchids and angelica. After a while, you can no longer feel the fragrance around you. That is because you have been assimilated; getting along with evil people is like being in a salted fish workshop. , after a while, you no longer feel the smell around you, which is also because you have been assimilated. This passage from Confucius tells us that in the process of growth, the formation of thoughts and the development of body and mind are directly related to the specific environment in which they live. , Confucius’ thought is quite dialectical and materialistic, and states the general law of human growth and development. According to the Marxist point of view, “The essence of human beings is the sum of all social relations. "It is impossible for a person to become a normal social person if he breaks away from society and lives in isolation. A person's knowledge, conduct, and morality are gradually formed by what he sees, hears, feels, and is accustomed to in society. Therefore, people must understand society. To understand life and improve yourself, that is, to become a social person and a real person, you cannot do without society and the crowd. Since the social environment plays such a big role in people's progress and development, it is like "Lan Zhi's Room". "A good environment is conducive to the healthy development of people's body and mind. On the contrary, if there is a bad environment like "Abalone House", people will contract many bad habits. That is the so-called "near vermillion, the red, near ink, ink." ""Zhu Xi's Motto on Household Management": Get up at dawn, sweep the courtyard, and keep the inside and outside clean; when you feel faint and take a rest, lock the door and check it yourself. When you have a porridge or a meal, you should remember that it is not easy to come from; half a thread, half a thread, keep thinking Material resources are difficult. It is better to prepare for rain and dig a well before being thirsty. You must be frugal when entertaining guests. The utensils are of clean quality, and the earthenware and pots are better than gold and jade. The food is simple and refined, and the garden vegetables are more delicious. Houses should not be used for fertile land. Three aunts and six wives are the matchmakers of prostitutes and thieves. Beautiful maids and concubines are not a blessing for the boudoir. Do not use handsome children and concubines. Even if the ancestors are far away, the sacrifices must not be dishonest. Even if the descendants are foolish, the scriptures must be written. Read. Live a simple life; educate your children in a righteous way. Don't be greedy for unexpected wealth, don't drink too much wine, and don't take advantage of others. When you see poor relatives and neighbors, you must be kind and compassionate. Enjoy; if the relationship is often bad, it will soon disappear. Brothers, uncles and nephews need to be divided into many to nourish the widow. Elders and children, both inside and outside, should be strict in their speech. How can a husband be a good son who values ??his talents and neglects his parents? . When marrying a daughter, choose a good son-in-law without asking for a high salary; when marrying a lady, do not consider a generous dowry. It is most shameful to be flattered when you see wealth; to be arrogant when you are poor is to be humble. Litigation will end in misfortune; talk too much in life, and you will make mistakes. Don't rely on your power to bully orphans and widows; don't be greedy for food and drink, and you will have many regrets and mistakes. If you have a bad relationship, you will suffer from it for a long time; if you are old and mature, you can rely on each other. Listen carefully and be aware of the inhumanity. You should be patient and think twice; when you fight over things, how can you know that it is not your fault? Think about it. Don't forget to give favors. Don't be jealous when you are happy. Don't be happy when you are in trouble. Seeing kindness is not true kindness. People know that it is a great evil to have lustful thoughts and retaliate against one's wife and daughter; to conceal one's grudges and use secret arrows will bring disaster to the descendants; the family will be harmonious, and even if the meal is not continued, there will still be happiness; the national lessons will be finished early, that is, the family will be in trouble. If you have nothing left to do, you will be happy. When you study, you will be a sage. If you want to be an official, you will keep your destiny and obey the destiny.