Guan Zhong was ill, and Duke Huan asked about him. The original text and translation are as follows:
Original text:
Guan Zhong was ill, and Duke Huan asked about him, saying: "Father Zhong The disease is very serious and the people of the country cannot keep it secret. Who will belong to the country?" Guan Zhong said to him: "In the past, I tried my best to know it, but I still didn't know it. Now the disease is in the day and night. Can I say it?" Duke Huan said: " This is such a big thing, I hope Zhongfu will teach me." Guan Zhong asked, "Who wants to be ministered to?" Guan Zhong said, "I'm good at Bao Shuya."
Bao Shuya is a man of integrity and uprightness; he does not compare himself to others; he never forgets his mistakes as long as he hears them." Duke Huan said: "But who can do that?" Guan Zhong said: "The public desires his appearance. , then Xi Peng is good." Duke Huan said: "What is Xi Peng like as a person?" Guan Zhong said: "Xi Peng is a person who has high aspirations and low aspirations. He is not as ugly as Huang Di, but not as good as himself."
Guan Zhong was seriously ill. Duke Huan of Qi went to visit him and asked, "Your illness is very serious and everyone in the country knows about it. To whom shall I entrust state affairs?" Guan Zhong replied. Said: "I tried my best in the past, but I still can't understand you. Now I am seriously ill and I won't live long. What can I say?" Duke Huan said, "This is a big matter. I hope you can teach me." Guan Zhong agreed respectfully and asked : "Who do you plan to make the prime minister?"
Huan Gong asked: "Can Bao Shuya do it?" Guan Zhong said: "No. Bao Shuya and I are good friends. Bao Shuya is an honest and upright man. Let's see if we can compare. People who love themselves will not be close to them; once they hear the mistakes of others, they will never forget them." Duke Huan asked, "Who can do that?" Guan Zhong said, "If you want someone around you to be the prime minister, then Xi." "It's okay to be a friend."
Gong Huan asked: "How is Xi Peng's behavior?" Guan Zhong replied: "His behavior is to pursue upwards and seek help from others. Although he is not as perfect as Huang Di, he is still good. It can make people feel pity and not be self-righteous. "
Expand knowledge: Duke Huan of Qi
Duke Huan of Qi (? ~ 643 BC), had a surname of Jiang, a surname of Lu, and a given name of Xiaobai. The 16th monarch of Qi (reigned from 685 BC to 643 BC), the leader of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, the twelfth generation grandson of Jiang Taigong Lu Shang, the third son of Duke Xi of Qi, and his mother was Wei Ji.