Live in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best in the world; Success, with the people; Go your own way when you are frustrated. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman.
Interpretation: Mencius said: "(Gentleman) should live in the world's largest place-'benevolence', stand in the world's highest position-'ceremony', and complete the road beneficial to the world. If you succeed, you should do good for the people in this way; If you are frustrated, do it in your own way (don't go along with the bad guys in society). "
When you have money, you can control yourself from profligacy; Don't change your will when you are poor; You can't change your attitude under the influence of power. This is a real man.
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Mencius mentioned these famous three sentences when he talked with the militarist disciple Jing Chun about "what is a gentleman". In Mencius' view, the real "gentleman" should not be based on the level of power, but should be able to stabilize the "moral anchor" in his heart. In the face of different life situations such as wealth, poverty and power, he can adhere to the principle of "benevolence, righteousness and propriety" and advance and retreat with Tao.
Every sentence of Mencius' famous saying about "gentleman" shines with the power of thought and personality. Historically, it has inspired many people with lofty ideals and become their motto of not being afraid of violence and upholding justice. Until now, when we read this book, it seems that we can still hear his golden voice.