1. Mu Yun, the son of nine lives, was brought to the world by his father Mu Qingyu. The first six were robbed in two places, and the seventh was robbed on a real person. He became the chief of the top ten ancient tribes in the divine world and was called the white-robed God of War. 30,000 years ago, the protoss was in chaos, and the herdsmen suffered from extinction because of their status as the son of heaven. Muyun was injured and fell, and his father Mu Qingyu cast a reincarnation spell to reincarnate Muyun. After the eighth robbery, Mu Yun ascended to the celestial realm after reincarnation, and opened up the tenth realm of the celestial realm-the cloud realm with the appearance of a peerless fairy king. Later, when robbing the map of Zhu Xian, a man beat thousands of immortal kings and finally fell down. Born again in the rural family of Nanyun Empire in Tian Yun's mainland, he opened the ninth world, swept away hostile forces with his strength and unified Tian Yun's mainland. Lead the venerable person of the small world, slay the remnants of the Fire Ghost clan, and destroy the plot of 33 days' plunder of the pale small world by Jianmen. After entering the celestial world, he constantly recovered his previous life force, awakened his blood and made changes. After finding his own life, he returned to the divine world. Constantly collect the gods scattered in the seventh world, enhance their own strength, embark on a journey of revenge and unify the gods. After that, he set foot in the Cang Lan world and fought to the death with the forces represented by the Four Gods. With the help of Qin Mengyao, he went down to the world of Gankun, and finally embarked on the path of the supreme god, becoming the supreme god of all the worlds.