Li Shimin——Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. Mencius - The people are the most valuable, the country is the second most important, and the king is the most important. In ancient China, whether it was orthodoxy or usurpation, those in power would spread rumors or prophecies to prove their legitimacy. To give one of the most common examples, when Wu Zetian succeeded to the throne, the theory that she was the reincarnation of Maitreya immediately spread throughout the world. In the history books compiled by Li Shimin after he ascended the throne, Li Jiancheng was described as a heinous villain, but in the "Old Book of Tang" Li Jiancheng was a gentle and elegant person. , an open-minded and generous person, and modern historians also have doubts about the history books compiled by Li Shimin during his reign. Li Shimin just wanted the support of the people. And abroad, it is also obvious what the US president is most worried about - public opinion polls! A series of famous quotes and stories illustrate the importance of "the will of the people." Winning the hearts and minds of the people may not necessarily lead to achievement, but losing the support of the people will definitely not lead to achievement, because his actions can only be reflected in the people. When the people do not have him in their hearts, then no matter how talented he is, there will be no room for him to display his talent. Naturally, he will not be able to achieve anything. As negotiable.