Success must be early
After a country won a war, they held a big feast to celebrate their victory and reward them.
The king said to the prince: "My son, we have won, but it is a pity that you did not make a contribution."
The prince said regretfully: "Father, you did not let me go to the front line. How can I make meritorious deeds?" A minister quickly said consolingly: "Prince, you are only 18 years old, and there will be many opportunities to make meritorious deeds in the future." The prince said to the king: "Father, can I be 18 years old again? ?" The king said happily: "Very good, my son, just by saying this, you have made a great contribution."
Time is gone forever, so you should work hard as soon as possible. You should work hard quickly and don't always say "I'm too busy lately", "I'll have time later", "Let's watch TV first" or "I'm really tired from my homework today". Think about these specious excuses, can you succeed? If you don't work hard when you are young, wouldn't it be more tiring when you are older and have to fight for three meals a day? If you can't succeed now, will you still have a chance in the future? p>
If you don’t work hard when you are young, time will never come back, and it is useless to regret it when you are old.
Six-word maxim
Thirty years ago, a young man left his hometown and began to create his own future. When I was young and young, I left home, surrounded by green clouds and mountains, and it was inevitable that I felt a little bit frightened. So before setting off, he made a special trip to visit the clan leader and ask for advice. The old patriarch was practicing calligraphy on a post. When he saw the young man asking about his future, he wrote three words "Don't be afraid." Then he raised his head and said to him: "There are only six words in the secret of life. I will give you three first. For you to enjoy for half your life." Thirty years later, this young man has achieved some achievements, and of course he has also suffered a lot of sadness. The journey back was long, and he was timid about being close to his hometown, so he went to visit the old patriarch again. But the old patriarch passed away a few years ago. His family took out an envelope and handed it to him, saying, "This is what the old man left for you during his lifetime. Open it yourself!" He carefully took it and opened the envelope, only to see that there was another envelope inside. Three big words: "Don't regret."
Dare to take risks when you are young, and do not regret the path you choose in the future. This is the true nature of youth.
A young man always complained that he was not in good luck and could not make a fortune, and he was depressed all day long.
An old man with white beard and hair came this day and asked: "Young man, why are you unhappy?"
"I don't understand why I am always so poor." Poor? You are very rich," the old man said sincerely.
"Where do you start talking about this?" the young man asked,
The old man did not answer directly, but asked: "If I cut off one of your fingers today and gave you a thousand yuan, Will you do it?"
"Cut off one of your hands and give you 10,000 yuan, will you do it?"
< p> "No.""I will immediately turn you into an eighty-year-old man and give you one million. Do you want to do it?"
"No."< /p>
"I want you to die immediately and give you 10 million, do you want to do it?"
"That's right! You You already have a fortune of more than 10 million, why do you still lament your poverty?" the old man asked with a smile. The young man was stunned and speechless, but he could see that he had some understanding.
Youth and health are your wealth, which are more precious than anything else.
Sui, Hu and Hun Chaos
There is an emperor in the North Sea named Sui, and there is an emperor in the South China Sea named Hu. Su and Hu are good friends, and there is always an emperor named Hun Chaos in the middle. Meet there. Hun Chao is a very simple person. Whatever Su and Hu need, Hun Chao will give them. Hun Chao always gives way to Su and Hu. After doing this for a long time, Suhehu wanted to repay Hunchao and give him a gift, but Hunchao lacked nothing because Hunchao was always happy when he was content. Finally, they discovered that Hun Chao lacked seven orifices. In order to let him taste delicious food, appreciate beauty and music, they worked together to open Hun Chao's orifices. After seven days, he had two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth. However, Hun Chao's orifices were opened. After having seven orifices, he died.
In this fable, Suhehu represents care about the immediate gains and losses, and Chaos represents simplicity and tolerance. After Hun Chao had the seven orifices, he began to care, so Hun Chao was no longer Hun Chao, so Hun Chao died after opening his orifices.
A simple person always treats others with kind wishes. Even if others take advantage of him or plot against him, he will not care about it, so he has less worries about intrigues and can always stay happy and focused. for work and life.
It is simply a healthy mentality, a source of happiness, and a more effective way to maintain youth than any kind of cosmetics. At his 77th birthday party, Konosuke Matsushita said that looking at things with pure thoughts and a pure heart is the secret to eternal youth.