Therefore, a gentleman must be ignorant of the people's nature and reach the people's feelings; We can see that he learned a lesson from life, and then the people obeyed. If the deceased is a pro-citizen, and the government is equal, the people will have no complaints. Therefore, a gentleman reaches out to the people, not seeking high, not seeking far, and not complaining that the people can't do it. The success of the Ming king in the present, but the people are strict but not up to it; After several years of industry, people will get sick and sick people will be cured. Therefore, the ancients looked at it with a crown, so they covered the Ming Dynasty; It's all about the ears, so it's smart. Therefore, there is no fish in clear water, and there is no disciple in human view. Therefore, it is vain and straightforward, making it complacent; Flexibility, self-seeking; Slap it and make it self-sufficient; If a person has a small sin, he will forgive it with kindness. If death keeps them alive, their goodness is close to each other. Therefore, at the beginning of the policy, it is impossible to teach if the policy is not standardized, and it is impossible for the people not to learn.