1. People who do not have faith do not know what is possible. There are no big carts or small carts, so how can it move?
2. If a gentleman is not serious, he will not be powerful; if he is learned, he will not be solid. The Lord is faithful. He who has no friends is not as good as himself. Don’t be afraid to correct it if it’s too late.
3. What you say must be true, and what you do must be fruitful. What a villain!
4. The Lord is loyal, righteous, and virtuous. Love desires its life, evil desires its death. To desire both life and death is confusion. Honesty is not based on wealth, but only on differences.
5. A gentleman is ashamed of his words rather than his actions
6. Respectful in his conduct, respectful in his work, and loyal to others.
7. A gentleman is respectful and courteous to others. He is a brother in the world.
8. He is loyal in words and respectful in deeds. Even in a barbaric country, That’s it. If you are not faithful in words and respectful in deeds, how can you do it even if you live in the state?
9. Confucius said: "He who can do the five things will be benevolent in the world." Please ask. Said: "Gong, generosity, trust, sensitivity, and benefit. Being respectful means not insulting, being lenient means winning people, being trustworthy means being able to do whatever you want, being sensitive means being successful, and being merciful means being able to win over others."