1. Wealth and honor are what people want. If you don't follow the way to get it, you won't be able to do it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate. If you don't follow the way to get it, don't go. A gentleman abandons benevolence and becomes famous? A gentleman will never violate benevolence, and he will do so if he makes mistakes, and he will do so if he is unlucky.
One by One "The Analects of Confucius? Li Ren"
2. When three people are walking together, I must be my teacher. Scholars must be ambitious and have a long way to go.
One by one "The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"
3. I would like to hear about the gods. Said: "The gods take advantage of the light, and the form perishes. This is called Zhao Kuang." Death is at its fullest, heaven and earth are happy, everything is destroyed, everything returns to its emotions, this is called Hunming. "
One by one? "Zhuangzi. Heaven and Earth"
4. Mencius said: "A gentleman has benevolence in his heart and etiquette in his heart. A benevolent person loves others, a polite person respects others. Those who love others will always be loved by others, and those who respect others will always be respected by others.
11 Chapter 28 of Mencius' "Li Lou Xia"
5. I would like to hear about the gods. Said: "The gods take advantage of the light, and the form perishes. This is called Zhao Kuang." Death is at its fullest, heaven and earth are happy, everything is destroyed, everything returns to its emotions, this is called Hunming.
11. "Zhuangzi·Heaven and Earth"
6. Its movement is to stop; its death is to live; its destruction is to rise. This is not its reason. There is a rule in people, forgetting things, forgetting heaven, this is called forgetting oneself. Those who forget themselves are said to have entered heaven. ——"Zhuangzi·Heaven and Earth"
7. Those who love others will always be loved; those who respect others will always be respected
One by one "Mencius·Li Lou Chapter 2"
p>8. Confucius said: Wealth and honor are what people want. If you don’t get them in the right way, you won’t get there. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate. If you don’t get them in the right way, you won’t get there. also.
11 "The Analects of Confucius: Benevolence"
9. A gentleman will always violate benevolence, and mistakes will be made accordingly, and misfortunes will be corrected.
One by one "The Analects of Confucius? Liren"