1. Sleep is the death of fragments, something we borrow to maintain and renew the life we ??consume during the day. ——(German philosopher) Schopenhauer
2. The nectar "nature" gives to people is sleep. ——(British philosopher) Locke
3. Sleep is the best cure for waking distress. ——(Spanish novelist) Cervantes
4. Sleep is like a cool wave that will clean away all the turmoil in your mind. ——(Russian writer) Turgenev
5. All living things are indispensable for the adjustment of sleep. ——English Renaissance playwright and poet Shakespeare "Macbeth"
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6. Sleep after work, arriving at the port after wind and waves , peace after war, death after living through life, all give people great comfort. ——(British poet) Spencer
7. A light sleep, a deep dream. Wake up, you are already on the other side. ——Chinese writer and best-selling novelist Guo Jingming's "The Minimum Story"
8. Sleep is the interest we pay for the capital that is recovered only after death: the higher the interest rate, the more timely the payment, and the more timely it is to be paid off. The date was postponed. ——(German philosopher) Schopenhauer
9. Being able to be carefree and full of joy during meals, sleep and exercise is one of the secrets of longevity. ——British Renaissance writer and philosopher Bacon’s famous sayings about sleep
10. Childhood is the sleep period of reason. ——Rousseau, French Enlightenment thinker, philosopher, educator, and writer, "Emile"