Family Ethics
Youzi said: "It is rare for a man to be filial to his younger brother, but like to offend his superiors; it is rare for him to be a man who is not fond of offending his superiors but likes to cause trouble. A gentleman's duties The foundation, the foundation and the Tao are born. Filial piety to the younger brother, what is the essence of being a person? "
The Master said: "When a disciple enters, he is filial, and when he goes out, he is a brother, sincere and trustworthy, loving others, and benevolent. If you have enough energy, you should study literature. "
Meng Wubo asked about filial piety, and Zi said: "My parents are only worried about their illness."
Ziyou asked about filial piety, and Zi said: "The filial piety of today. "It means being able to raise them. As for dogs and horses, they can be raised, so why should they be different?"
When something happens, the disciple will do his duty; if there is wine and food, the teacher will prepare the meal. Have you ever thought that you are filial? ”