10 Confucius said on the river: "The deceased is like a man, not giving up day and night." "Zihan"
Translation: Confucius stood on the river bank and said, the past is like this The water flows day and night.
This is a famous saying by Confucius, which means that time is gone like running water and will never return. This sentence comes from "The Analects of Confucius·Zihan". The original text is "Confucius said on the river: The deceased is like a man! He does not give up day and night." It means: Confucius said by the river: "The rushing river is so hasty! The traditional explanation of "the passing person is like a man, never giving up day and night" is Zhu Xi's "Commentary on Four Books and Chapters". Zhu Xi summarized the meaning of this sentence into four elements from the standpoint of a Neo-Confucian scholar. The word "continuous learning" means that we must continue to learn. This explanation is still very inspiring for our current learning attitude. The original meaning of Confucius also includes this meaning, which is consistent with Confucius's academic attitude of "not getting tired of learning" throughout his life. However, this is the essence of Confucius' thoughts when he was investigating the universe and experiencing all things. It has a more general meaning, that is, we should cherish time. Time is like water, flowing quietly around us, and we lose the best time if we don't pay attention. It is this truth that youth is fleeting and time is difficult. This sentence always reminds us that in modern fast-paced life, we must especially cherish time and cherish time