To make the people ignorant and have no desire is to prevent them from thinking about being king every day, that is, to conquer the world every day and make the people miserable, because the people are the people, and without the ability to govern the country, they will be hungry and cold if they are king. Desire is thinking. A king should naturally become a king, not by force. But everyone is both a citizen and a king, and they are all independent individuals, so control yourself and let your people be ignorant and have no desire.
However, knowing is knowing, and knowing is knowing about it. However, if you pass by the king on your way to practice, you can say that you are the king, but the king is interfering in the affairs of the world. It is indisputable and does not participate in anything in the world. Therefore, it's up to you to continue to practice and leave this world, or to stop and be king. If the people in your body are not dead, you are the king, saving the country and the people. If you decide to be king, it will be farmland and disaster, so Zhuangzi said that if there are saints in the world, the world will be in chaos. But if you choose the king, you will lose the chance to make a positive result forever. God only gives you one. It's a choice. In fact, no one on the earth can turn, and the king overreaches himself and doesn't know how small it is. Therefore, those who choose to be kings are punished by God. But the king, don't understand as the king, the star is also the king, and the monopolists in all walks of life are also the king.