"Promises should not be taken lightly, so I will not let others down. Promises should not be taken lightly, so people will not let me down."
Yu Jing of the Song Dynasty, whose courtesy name was Andao and whose name was Wuxi. A native of Shaozhou, Guangdong (now Shaoguan, Guangdong), he once served as the governor of Xinjian County and later moved to Secretary Cheng. In the third year of Jingyou's reign (1036), he was demoted to supervise the wine tax in Junzhou because he appealed to the emperor to defend Fan Zhongyan, a foreign minister who had been demoted as a member of the Ministry of Rites. In the third year of Qingli Dynasty (1043), he was reinstated as You Zhengyan of the Admonition Yuan, responsible for admonishing and reporting matters to the emperor. Yu Zhengzheng dared to admonish, and had repeatedly rectified household affairs for the purpose of "light corvee and low tax" and eliminated corrupt officials. , to soothe the tired civil servants and fight against the emperor so hard that his saliva splashed on the emperor's "dragon face" and still had unfinished thoughts. Like Ouyang Xiu, he was hailed as one of the "four remonstrances" that the court dared to remonstrate with. In the fourth year of Qingli Dynasty (1044), he was appointed as the envoy to Khitan. At that time, he once said, "Promises should not be taken lightly, so I will not let others down. Promises should not be taken lightly, so people will not let me down." He cleverly used diplomatic means to convince Xiong. According to the leader of the Liao Dynasty, the interests of the Song Dynasty were safeguarded in the complicated triangular relationship between Song, Liao and Xia in a timely manner