Stories about famous quotes include:
Confucius misunderstood Yan Hui: Confucius misunderstood Yan Hui. Yan Hui wanted to reduce tuition fees, but Zigong could not help. Confucius said: "Hui is a virtuous man, but he is always empty." The food in the place where the student Yan Hui lived was moldy, but he was hungry. Confucius thought that Yan Hui was not willing to teach him, so he said: "It is not called Hui, because it is far away from others." Confucius asked again: "Hui is also a past. If you look forward to something but don't realize it, it will end up being depressed and confused. Huh?" It means "Yan Hui, what expectations have you not fulfilled? Are you a fool?" Yan Hui didn't want to make Confucius angry and said, "Yes, the sun, the moon and the stars are so strange that the people can't do anything." There are three monster-like things, haven't you seen them?" Confucius asked respectfully, "Why haven't I seen them?" When Yan Hui was about to answer, Confucius said : "If you speak, you may fall into confusion; if you speak, you may fall into confusion; if you speak, you may fall into confusion; if you remain silent, you may fall into confusion." It means "If you answer me, I'm afraid you will fall into confusion. Even though you are silent, you can see He seems smart, but he is actually very confused."
Lu Xun chewed pepper: Mr. Lu Xun studied hard since he was a child. When he was a boy, he studied at the Jiangnan Naval Academy. He had excellent grades in the first semester, and the school awarded him a gold medal. He immediately took it to the streets of Nanjing's Drum Tower and sold it, then bought a few books and a bunch of red peppers. Whenever it was cold at night and he couldn't bear to read at night, he would pick a chili pepper, put it in his mouth and chew it, which made him sweat on his forehead. He used this method to keep away the cold and insist on studying. As a result of studying hard, he finally became a famous litterateur in our country.
Su Qin's Assassination: During the Warring States Period, there was a man named Su Qin in Luoyang City. In order to become a high official in the future, he studied hard. Sometimes he dozed off while reading. So he thought of a way: prepare an awl, and when he dozed off, he would use the awl to prick his thigh. In this way, you will suddenly feel pain, so that you can wake up and continue reading. This is the story of Su Qin's "gut stabbing".
The above are stories about famous quotes, I hope they will be helpful to you.