1. Youzi said: The use of etiquette is to be harmonious. The Taoism of the ancient kings is beautiful. If you follow it, you will not be able to do something. If you know how to be harmonious and make peace, it will not be possible if you do not use etiquette. Also. "The Analects of Confucius·Learning is the First"
Translation: Youzi said: "The application of etiquette is based on harmony. This is the most valuable part of the ancient monarch's way of governing the country. But no matter how important it is, Just doing small things according to the harmonious method sometimes doesn't work. (This is because) Harmony for the sake of harmony and not controlling harmony with etiquette are also not feasible."?
2. Zi Yu If a person sings well, he must do the opposite and then harmonize with it. "The Analects of Confucius·Shuer7"
Translation: Confucius sings with others. If he sings well, he must ask him to sing it again, and then Sing with him.?
3. Confucius said: "The gentleman is harmonious but different; the villain is the same but not harmonious." "The Analects of Confucius·Zilu No. 13"
Translation: The gentleman Pay attention to harmony but not conformity. The villain only wants complete consistency but not coordination.
4. There is no poverty in Gaijun, there is no widowhood in harmony, and there is no inclination. "The Analects of Confucius·Ji's Sixteenth"
Translation: If the distribution of property is fair and reasonable, there will be no poverty; Shang Xia If there is harmony, there is no need to worry about the lack of people; if the society is stable, there is no danger of the country overturning.
5. A gentleman says something he thinks he knows and something he says he does not know. He must not be careless in what he says. "The Analects of Confucius·Zi Zhang 19"
Translation: A gentleman can express himself in one sentence A person's intelligence can also show his unwiseness in one sentence, so he cannot speak carelessly.