The blindfold to achieve justice can refer to procedural justice.
Procedural justice is another way to achieve justice. It is to achieve justice and fairness through the design and implementation of procedures, rather than relying solely on results or goals. Procedural justice emphasizes that certain procedures and rules must be followed in the process of achieving justice to ensure the realization of justice and fairness. The concept of procedural justice can be traced back to American philosopher John Rawls's work "A Theory of Justice". He believed that procedural justice and fairness are crucial to achieving just and fair results.
The characteristic of procedural justice is its "blindfold" nature, that is to say, during the design and implementation of procedures, people should not be judged because of factors such as the identity, status, wealth, etc. of individuals or specific groups. Subject to unfair treatment, the design and implementation of procedures should be free from interference from these factors. Procedural justice emphasizes a just and fair procedure rather than a just and fair outcome.
Procedural justice has a wide range of applications in the legal field. For example, in legal trials, judges should follow certain legal procedures and rules when conducting trials, and should not make unfair judgments due to the influence of individuals or specific groups. Procedural justice is also one of the basic principles of a modern legal country. It is crucial to protecting citizens' rights and maintaining social justice.
In short, the blindfold to achieve justice refers to procedural justice, which emphasizes that in the process of achieving justice, certain procedures and rules must be followed to ensure the realization of justice and fairness. Procedural justice is widely used in law and other fields, and is also one of the basic principles of modern countries ruled by law.