Confucius and Zhong You.
Zhong You visited Jiashi and saw a buyer and a seller arguing. The seller said, "I'll pay San Qian one foot, you want eight feet, * * * twenty-four dollars, and I won't sell a penny less!" The buyer argued: "It is obviously March 23rd. What is your reason for asking for more money? " Neutron straightened up and smiled and said to the buyer, "3824 pairs." You are wrong. "If the buyer refuses to accept the dispute, he will bet. Zhong you is very fierce, betting on the newly bought helmet on the spot. The buyer is also very angry and willing to gamble. Both of them high-fived for the oath, and they both looked for Confucius to judge. Confucius smiled and said to Zhongyou, "Lutz, you are wrong. Throw the helmet to someone else. In a moment of anger, Zhong You said goodbye to Master angrily and went home to visit relatives. Before leaving, Confucius told him, "When you visit relatives and friends this time, you should remember two words:' Don't leave the old tree alive, and don't kill anyone with a knife.' "Clock by Liu Zhituo, resolutely back to the bian country.
On the way, Zhong You was caught in a thunderstorm, and there was no shelter. He only saw an old tree by the roadside, and the hole in the tree was big enough to live in. Nakako was just about to hide in the rain cave when he suddenly remembered the teacher's teaching: old trees can't survive. I left that old tree. Not far away, there was a flash of lightning, and then with a "crack", the old tree was split by lightning. Thanks to the teacher, Zhong You survived.
At midnight, Zhong Youfang got home. I have been away from home for a long time, he thought. Is my wife loyal? Might as well open the door and spy. So he jumped into the courtyard wall, opened the latch with the tip of a knife, and walked lightly to the bed. When he touched it, the two men fell asleep with their heads together. Zhong You was suddenly angry and afraid, so he raised his knife and cut it, and recalled the teacher's instruction: Don't move the blade when killing. He put down the blade and lit a lamp. It turned out that his wife and sister slept together. Zhong You was scared out in a cold sweat. Thanks to Master's foresight, he didn't kill his relatives by mistake.
Zhong You stayed at home for only one day and then returned to Lucheng to thank Master for her advice. He asked inexplicably, "Teacher, it is obviously 3824, why did you say 23?" Confucius smiled and said, "Luz, if you lose, you can buy a helmet.". What if the buyer loses?
There is also a story about Yan Hui losing the championship: Yan Hui loves to study and has good virtue. He is Confucius' favorite student. One day, Yan Hui walked into the street and saw a cloth shop full of people, but the buyer and seller had an argument. The cloth buyer shouted: 38 is 23, why do you want me to pay 24 yuan?
Yan Hui stepped forward and applied a strong force: Brother, 38 is 24, how can it be 23? You have miscalculated.
The cloth buyer pointed to Yan Hui's nose and said, Who asked you to judge? Who are you? Confucius is the only judge and the only one in power!
Yan Hui said, well, what if Confucius judges that you are wrong?
The cloth buyer said, I was wrong, so I lost my head. What if you are wrong?
Yan Hui said: I was wrong and lost my crown. Let's go, the two of them made a bet and went to find Confucius to judge.
Confucius asked about the situation, smiled at Yan Hui and said, 38 is 23! You lost, take off your crown and give it to someone else!
Yan Hui never talks back to the teacher. Confucius commented that he was wrong, so he honestly took off his hat and gave it to the cloth buyer, who left proudly.
On the surface, he obeyed Confucius' judgment, but in his heart he couldn't figure it out. He felt that Confucius was old and groggy, so he didn't want to learn from him. The next day, he asked for leave to work at home and asked for leave. Confucius understood what he meant, did not find fault, and nodded in agreement. Before Yan Hui left, Confucius told him to come back after finishing his work, and told him two words: Don't leave a thousand-year-old tree, and don't start work if the murder is unknown.
Yan replied: I remember. On my way home, I was suddenly caught in a thunderstorm, with lightning and thunder. Yan Hui quickly hid in a big tree on the side of the road to shelter from the rain. I suddenly remembered the teacher's words that "a thousand-year-old tree can't be spared". I thought the teacher meant well, so I listened to him and came out from under the tree. Not long after he left, a thunderbolt broke the big tree in the middle. Yan Hui was surprised: The teacher's first sentence was so effective, would I kill anyone again?
It was already late at night when Yan Hui got home. Not wanting to disturb his wife, he used his sword to open the door bolt of the living room and lit a dim candle. Suddenly, he saw two people sleeping in his wife's bed. Angry from his heart, he thought that his wife was disobedient to women and drew his sword and held it for chopping. At this time, he remembered the second sentence of Confucius, "Don't start work if you don't know each other." He couldn't help feeling ashamed when he looked near the candle.
At dawn, Yan Hui came back, met Confucius, knelt down and bowed, saying that the teacher was unfathomable and the students admired him! Your two words saved me, my wife and my sister! How did you know in advance what would happen?
Confucius lifted Yan Hui up and said with a smile: Nothing, just observing yesterday's weather, it is estimated that there will be thunderstorms, thus reminding you that "a thousand-year-old tree cannot survive". You left angrily with your sword, which is why I warned you not to do it if you kill someone you don't know. Confucius also enlightened Yan Hui: I know it is false for you to go home. In fact, you think I am too old to learn from me. Think about it: I sentenced you to lose yesterday, but you lost the championship; If I say you are right, he will lose a life! Do you think the crown is more important or life is more important?
Yan Hui suddenly realized that he fell on his knees in front of Confucius: The teacher's sense of justice is superior to small matters of right and wrong, and the students really thought the teacher was senile. What a pity! From then on, wherever Confucius went, Yan Hui followed.
That's what you should talk about.