Wang Rongyun: "I have lived with Ji Kang for 2 years, and I have never seen his joy."
Wang Rong (234-35): Zi Luochong, a native of Linyi (now Shandong). He is good at talking and is famous for his incisive comments and knowledge. With Ruan Ji and Ji Kang, he is one of the seven sages of bamboo forest. At first, it attacked the father Jue Zhen Ling Ting Hou, and was turned into a genus by Si Mazhao. Tired of official Yuzhou secretariat, general Jianwei. When Emperor Wu of the Western Jin Dynasty was involved in cutting Wu Yougong, he entered Feng County Hou, and was called Wang Anfeng. He was also recruited as an assistant and moved to Guanglu Xun. He has served as the official department minister, Prince Taifu, Zhongshuling, Shangshu Zuofushe and other posts, and led the official department affairs. In the seventh year of Yuankang (296), he was promoted to Stuart. Wang Rong admired Qi Boyu, an ancient man, and saw that the world would be in chaos, so he "relaxed with the times" and ignored the world in order to protect himself. In the Eight Kings Rebellion, Hui Di has been hijacked by kings. After Zhang Fang robbed Hui Di into Chang 'an, Wang Rong fled to jia county. Yongxing two years (35), died in Yong, seventy-two, posthumous title "Yuan".
Ji Kang (223—262): Zi Shuye was born in Luoxian County, Wei Qiaojun (southwest of Suxian County, Anhui Province). The ancestor's original name was Xi, and he was from Shangyu (now Zhejiang). Later, he avoided disaster and went to Luojia's home on the side of Lushan Mountain, because he thought it was his surname. For Cao Cao's great-grandson son-in-law? , worship the doctor, adjust the doctor, the world called "scattered in the middle." Ji Kang was smart at an early age, well-read, widely studied all kinds of arts, works and poems, was good at playing the drum and the piano, refined in music theory, advocated the theory of Laozi and Zhuangzi, and often said that he should keep fit and take food. Together with Ruan Ji and other bamboo forest celebrities, he advocated a new style of metaphysics, advocating "the more famous people teach, the more natural" and "judging the noble and the humble and understanding the things", and became the spiritual leaders of the seven sages of bamboo forest. Dissatisfied with Sima's unauthorized power, Tang Wu and Zhou Kong were despised by people of etiquette. After being framed by Zhong Hui, a captain of Si Li, he was killed by Si Mazhao at the age of forty. Ji Kangji has been handed down from generation to generation.