A. Fully mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers and workers for production
B. Corrected the shortcomings in economic policies in a timely manner
C. Reasonably absorbed the West The country’s economic construction experience
D. Created and implemented a highly centralized planned economic system
D No problem. Explanation:
We have to start with Stalin’s dictatorship.
The autocratic rule during the period when Stalin came to power (from 1928 to his death in 1953) was quite... autocratic:
Culture, a highly uniform cultural autocracy
Economy, implements single public ownership, implements a highly centralized economic management system, implements a command planned economy that excludes the market, and manages the economy by administrative means
Politics, autocracy, seriously undermines democracy and the legal system
Foreign affairs: arms race, struggle for hegemony, Cold War (1947~1991)
The wooden plow represents agriculture, and nuclear weapons represent heavy industry. The Soviet Union has transformed from a backward agricultural country to a heavy industrial power, and has a highly centralized planned economic system. (Stalin’s system) is not irrelevant.
High concentration means that the country's wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few people. Then the will of this "minority" (Stalin) is the will of the country. In addition, in order to consolidate his rule, Stalin established a personality cult (equivalent to the personality cult during the Cultural Revolution). Wherever Stalin pointed, there was light~haha. For example, Obama wanted to reduce welfare expenditures, but Congress did not agree, so he could only sulk. But Stalin was different. If he wanted to build heavy industry, he could mobilize the whole country to do it. In the early days of our country, we were also under the Stalinist system, so we could surpass the UK in steel production only after the steel industry advanced.
But this is the shortcoming of Stalin's system, and it is also the reason for the rigidity of Stalin's system. This is a good answer to the error cause of abc.
It was too authoritarian. At that time, enterprises were not given autonomy. The state had the final say on what and how much to produce, and enterprises were not allowed to set their own prices and enter the market. The same goes for agriculture. All necessities of life are distributed by the state. Therefore, workers and farmers have no motivation. Everyone wants to have food without working, just like the people's communes in our country. a is wrong.
b is definitely wrong, otherwise the Stalin system would not have turned into the Stalin model, and the Soviet Union would not have disintegrated (the fundamental reason is the shortcomings of the Stalin system). What were the shortcomings of Stalin's system? It means not participating in the market, enterprises and workers have no vitality, and it violates the law of value. At that time, most people believed that market = capital and planning = society, and did not regard them as two means of developing the economy. Moreover, from the time Stalin came to power until his death, he did not correct it!
a It’s the opposite~ Socialist countries have always worked behind closed doors and denied the market. Otherwise, there would also be a “socialist world economic system” instead of only a capitalist world economic system. On the contrary, Roosevelt's New Deal and the adjustment of the economic systems of Western countries after the war showed that Western countries absorbed the experience of the Soviet Union, abandoned liberal ideas, government intervention in economic life, and created a state-capitalist economy.
Hope it helps you