6. Chang(つね)に明(あか)るさを无(うしな)わずhard workする人には,神(かみ)はちゃんとfutureをpreparationしてくれます.
6. God will arrange a better future for those who are always optimistic and hardworking.
7. ほんとうにまじめにhard work(どりょく)することは、なかばarrive(とうたつ)したことと同(おな)じです.
7. Real down-to-earth efforts are equivalent to half the battle.
8. How to ensure the happiness of the future (みらい) (こうふく) (かくほ) and the best (さいじょう) (ほうほう)は, and today’s できるかぎりHappily ever after.
8. The way to ensure happiness in the future is to try your best to be happy now.
9. Others compare with each other, others compare with others, and others compare with others. しかし、Last year's self-divided よりThis year's self-divided が优れていないのはestablished faction なShameだ.
9. Compared with others, it is no shame that you are not good enough. However, it would be a great shame if this year's version of myself is not better than last year's version of myself.
10. The failure of the world (よ)の中(なか)に(しっぱい)というものはない. チャレンジしているうちはFAILURE はない. あきらめた时(とき)が Failure である.
10. There is no such thing as failure. There is no failure when you challenge, there is failure when you give up.
11. I am slow (がまん)は心(つら)いことである. しかし、その果実(かじつ)は干(あま)い.
11. Patience is painful, but its fruit is sweet.
12. Original intention (しょしん) forgetfulness (わす)るべからず.
12. Don’t forget your original intention.