Confucius’ Quotations: At fifteen I was determined to learn; at thirty I stood firm; at forty I was not confused; at fifty I knew the destiny of heaven; at sixty my ears were attuned; at seventy I followed my heart’s desires without exceeding the rules. .
Confucius's Quotations: A wise man changes his appearance; he can serve his parents to the best of his ability; he can devote himself to serving his king; he can keep his word with his friends. Although I say I haven’t learned yet, I call it learning.
Confucius said: If you can talk to someone but don't talk to them, you will lose people; if you can't talk to them but talk to them, you will lose words. Those who know will not lose people and will not lose words.
Confucius’ Quotations: To speak of something before it has been mentioned is called impatience; to speak of something without speaking is called concealment; to speak of something without seeing its color is called blindness.
Death and life have destiny, wealth and honor are in heaven, a gentleman is respectful and courteous to others, and we are all brothers in the world.
Confucius's Quotations: Think of righteousness when you see benefit, give orders when you see danger, and if you don't forget the words of your life for a long time, you can become an adult.
A gentleman who has nothing to eat but wants to be satisfied... is sensitive to things and careful in his words. He will be Taoist and upright, and he can be said to be eager to learn.
Confucius said: If you are rich and you can ask for it, even if you are a man with a whip, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, just do what I like.
Looking ahead, suddenly behind, the master is always good at tempting me. He persuades me with words and invites me with courtesy.
Confucius said: If quality is better than literature, then you will be wild; if literature is better than quality, you will be history; if literature is better than quality, then you will be a gentleman.
Confucius's Quotations: If one's body is upright, he will not do what he is told; if his body is not upright, he will not do what he is told.
Quotations of Confucius: Confucius said on the river: "The deceased is like a man! He does not give up day and night."
Confucius’ Quotations: Three armies can seize the commander, but one man cannot seize the will. .
Confucius’s Quotations: When you see a virtuous person, think about them all; when you see a virtuous person, you should reflect on yourself.
Confucius said: Know things silently, be tireless in learning, and never tire of teaching.
You forget to eat when you are angry, you forget about your worries when you are happy, and you don’t know that old age is coming.
Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, this is knowing.
Confucius’ Quotations: A small impatience will mess up a big plan.
The king treats his ministers with courtesy, and the ministers serve the king with loyalty.
Confucius’s quotations: There is no distinction between teaching and learning.