The original text
Yuan Gu has ancestors, who are old and hated by his parents, and want to donate them. Five times out of ten, Yuan Gu admonishes his father, saying, "Ancestors raise children and give birth to daughters, and they are diligent and diligent all their lives. Is there anyone who donates when they are old? It's ungrateful. "My father refused to obey, made a map, and donated his ancestors to the wild. With the grain, he took it back. My father said," Why did you take this terrible weapon? " Gu said, "My parents are old tomorrow, so we don't need to make more of it, but we should take it from them." My father felt ashamed and regretted it, but he gave his ancestors back to Yang.
There was a grandfather in Yuangu, who was very old, and his parents hated him and wanted to abandon him. Yuangu was fifteen years old at this time, and he advised his father, "Grandpa is hardworking and thrifty in raising children. This is against morality. "My father didn't listen to his advice, so he made a cart to carry Grandpa and abandoned him in the wild. Haratani followed, so he brought the cart back. My father asked," What did you bring this unlucky thing back for? " Haraguchi said, "When you are old, I won't have to make another one, so I'll put it away now." My father was very ashamed and regretted it, so he went to take grandpa back and support him.
Haraguchi: name.
Zu: the older generation of my father
hated, hated .. Here, it means ten years old and five years later.
Advice: persuasion.
It means: this
negative meaning: violating morality. disappointing
Yu: wheelbarrow.
fierceness: unlucky. < Plus.
Obey, obey.
Someday: Later, in the future.
That is, "to be true", so.
It is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation for children to be filial to their parents. In the article, Haraguchi first understands reason, then moves with emotion, and finally applies it. A: Let parents predict their situation in old age, so as to persuade them not to abandon their grandfather again. Guide: It is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation to honor their parents and respect their elders. Parents educate their children for granted, but Haraguchi in this article uses his wisdom, makes sense with reason, and makes his father realize his mistakes.