We live in an era where it is the cheapest to obtain information but the most expensive to identify authenticity and falsehood
The acquisition of information comes at a cost, the storage of information also comes at a cost, and the processing of information And extraction comes at a cost.
If you have an apple and I have an apple, and we exchange each other, each person still has an apple; but if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange each other, each person can have two apples. Thought. IfyouhaveanappleandIhaveanappleandweexchangetheseapplesthenyouandIwillstilleachhaveoneapple.ButifyouhaveanideaandIhaveanideaandweexchangetheseideas,theneachofuswillhavetwoideas.ByGeorgeBernardShaw
The mostvaluablecommodityIknowofisinformation.As far as I know, the most valuable commodity is information.