Ambition, in ancient times, means the strength of one’s mind, but now it means the determination and courage to make progress or accomplish something. Backbone refers to physical appearance and temperament. The latter mostly refers to a strong and unyielding personality and conduct. It also refers to the power and vigorous momentum of calligraphy. Confidence comes from self-confidence, the self-confidence of trusting each other.
1. Ambition
An old saying comments on the importance of "ambition": "Three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize his ambition." The determination to not be left behind and strive to achieve a certain goal and courage. It is an expression of idealism and confidence. Ambitious people often have clear goals, firm will, and are not afraid of all kinds of difficulties. The more difficult and backward the conditions are, the more the spirit and strength of ambition can be shown.
2. Confidence
As long as you have confidence in your heart, no matter how humble or polite you appear, others will feel your confidence. This kind of performance is a kind of confidence. Wealth, knowledge, family background, and special skills can all become your foundation and create confidence. People are weak and weak, and their whole body is weak. So many people cringe when facing a beautiful store door because they don't have a "bottom" in their hearts or wallets, so they can't step across that threshold with their heads held high.