Hengli followed his wife's advice. Hengli wants to save some property for his descendants, but his wife always refuses, saying, "If you accumulate property, disaster will happen."
Hengli stopped talking about it. Later, someone secretly built a house in Longyangzhou, Jiangling and planted thousands of oranges. Before he died, he told his son, "Your mother often opposed me to get married, so she was so poor. But there are thousands of wooden slaves in Qian Qian in our state, and she won't ask you for food and clothing. She can pay a little every year, which should meet the needs of a family. "
After Hengli died, his son told his mother about it. Mother said, "This should refer to the citrus planted. Your father often wants to accumulate some family wealth, but I always think it's a curse, so I don't agree. 1978, ten families lost their income, and your father didn't say where the flowers went. It turned out that he secretly bought a family business. I often hear your father praise Tai Shigong and say,' Planting thousands of citrus trees in Jiangling is equivalent to being rewarded by the Marquis.' I replied,' What people are afraid of is lack of morality, poverty and low income *. If they are rich, they can still have good moral quality. That's good. What's the use of these! That's what it is now! "My son went to find a citrus orchard and found it.
LZ, don't worry about your reward feelings ~ ~ ~ ~ ~