The original words are "if you don't do what you want to do, do it for yourself." A sentence from Mencius. Mencius said, "If you love someone, you will be kind-hearted." : there is no cure for treating diseases and saving people, which is contrary to wisdom; Owners will not answer, they will respect them-they will not do whatever they want, they will ask for more happiness and return to the world. "
Mencius said: "If you love others but can't get close to others, you should ask yourself if your kindness is not enough;" If you can't manage others well, you should ask yourself if there is something wrong with your management wisdom; If you are polite to others, but you can't get the courtesy from others, you should ask yourself whether your behavior is home-if your behavior doesn't get the expected effect, you should check yourself in turn. If you behave correctly, people all over the world will naturally submit.
From the perspective of personal quality, be strict with yourself, be lenient with others, and criticize yourself in everything. That is to say, Confucius said, "It is far from complaining about the enemy." We have heard Mencius say in "On the Ugliness of Gongsun": "The benevolent shoots: the shooter shoots from behind; If you miss it, you will not blame yourself, but you will ask yourself. " It all means the same thing.
From the perspective of governing the country, it is to be kind to others. Self-criticism is one of its means, and its related expositions can be said to be numerous in The Analects of Confucius and Mencius. Of course, there are really too few people who can really do it through the ages, so I still want to emphasize it.
Baidu Encyclopedia-If you can't do what you want to do, you can't help yourself.