Life is an ocean, and hope is the helmsman's compass, which prevents people from losing their way in the storm. —— Diderot
Without hope, a person cannot maintain his faith, preserve his spirit, or preserve his inner purity. ——Balzac
Hope is happiness, creation is happiness. ——Bing Xin
There is a space between human fantasy and achievement, which can only be passed through hope. ——Kahlil Gibran
Rather than living in merit, we would rather live in hope. ——Hu Hua
There is always a remedy for the sadness in front of you. No matter how you suffer, hope! Hope is man's greatest happiness. ——Jin Fei
On the road of life, when your hopes fail one by one, you must be firm and calm. ——Longfellow
When hope disappears, fear arises. ——Gracian
Hope and memory constantly prompt us to extend and expand ourselves, which plays a huge role in our daily lives. ——Royce
The greatest hope arises from the greatest tragedy. ——Russell
Hope is at least happiness that is easy for the poor to obtain. ——Romain Rolland
Patience is the skill of hope. ——Wafnad
The essence of human beings is wishes and hopes. —— Zippel
Without hope, there is no effort. ——Johnson
We must have confidence in life first, and then we can make life continue forever, and the so-called confidence is hope. ——Lang Zhiwan
Hope is strong courage and new will. ——Martin Luther
Although hope fools people, people still need hope, because hope itself is happiness. ——Johnson
Hope is the only benefit that all people enjoy together; those who have nothing still have hope. ——Sellis
Imitate children, they never doubt the hope of the future. ——Tagore