We firmly believe that education is the fundamental plan of the country.
Tao Xingzhi Schools are set up for society. Without the ability to transform society, schools can simply close their doors.
Tao Xingzhi said that we should use education that extends in all directions to create a society that is accessible in all directions.
Tao Xingzhi: Failure to use the power of society is incompetent education; failure to understand the needs of society is blind education. If we believe that society is a great school, we will naturally use the power of society to meet the needs of society.
Tao Xingzhi We study knowledge not just to increase our personal happiness, but also to transform society.
Tao Xingzhi Democratic education should be the education of the whole life. He should work to maintain his livelihood, study to gain a living, and work together to maintain his livelihood. It should be a harmonious life composed of health, science, art, labor and democracy, that is, harmonious education.
Tao Xingzhi We must work hard to cultivate young and powerful people as soon as possible so that they can all read and understand and be willing to devote their lives to the country.
Tao Xingzhi’s democratic education is to teach people to be masters, their own masters, the masters of the country, and the masters of the world... Democratic education is the education of the people, education run by the people, for the happiness of the people themselves education.
Tao Xingzhi (1) Fascination Based on the nature of children to be constantly fascinated by certain special activities, through special environments, equipment and methods, we cultivate and guide them to grow and step into the unknown door . (2) Enlightenment Based on children’s general intelligence and through enlightening general education, we cultivate and guide them to gain a deeper understanding of special activities and gain a broader understanding of the relationships between all aspects of life and the development of the history of the universe and mankind. know. (3) Love According to children's tendency to help others, through collective life, we cultivate and guide them to develop a higher and more conscious love for the nation and humanity.
Tao Xingzhi Education is to filter and use the influence of the environment on the basis of children themselves, so as to cultivate and strengthen their creativity, so that they can grow more powerful and contribute to the nation and mankind. Education cannot create anything, but it can inspire and liberate children's creativity to engage in creative work.
Tao Xingzhi The most important thing in education is to give students the ability to transform the environment. Civilian education is an important method to transform the social environment.
Tao Xingzhi combined the spirit of citizenship and reading in order to cultivate his ability to be a citizen.