People cannot live like animals, they should pursue knowledge and virtue.
When others retreat, I will not retreat; when others advance, I will advance further. For those who want to climb this mountain, it is difficult at the lower part at first, but becomes less and less painful as they go up, and in the end it is like sitting in a boat going down the river.
Our only sorrow is to live in wishes without hope.
If a person sees the need of others and still waits for his request, it is obviously not sincere assistance.
What do other people’s whispers have to do with you? Go your own way and let others gossip! Be like a towering tower that does not tilt due to the storm.
A person often leads from this thought to that thought, thus staying away from the correct goal he is pursuing. The second thought often reduces the first thought.
Love sublimates the human heart's longing to the state of perfection.
Easy to anger is the most obvious weakness of character.
Go your own way, source and let others decide.
A person sitting on a carpet, trapped under a silk quilt, will never become famous; living his life silently, like smoke in the air and bubbles in the water, his traces on the earth will disappear in an instant. Eliminated.
The more a person knows the value of time, the more he feels the pain of losing time!
The smartest people are the ones least willing to waste time.
A person with incomplete knowledge can make up for it with morality, but a person with incomplete morality cannot make up for it with knowledge.
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