● Sow an action and you will reap a habit; Sow a habit and you will gain a personality; Sow a personality and you will reap a destiny. (Friedman)
● A habit formed by wisdom can become second nature. (Bacon)
● Habit forms character, and character determines fate. (John Maynard Keynes)
● Habit is either the best servant or the worst master. (Amens)
Habit formation is like spinning. At first, it's just a thin silk thread. As we keep repeating the same behavior, it's just like winding one silk thread after another on the original silk thread. In the end, it becomes a thick rope, which entangles our thoughts and behaviors. (Madian)
● What kind of person you will become depends on what you do repeatedly. (Aristotle)
The necessary condition for success is to form good habits, habits shape character, and character determines fate.
● People can form habits by always acting in a certain fixed way (Aristotle)
● Bad habits are formed unconsciously (Ovid)
● Habits are formed in habits (Plautus)
● Great events surprise us, small things make us depressed, and over time, we will become accustomed to both (Labruyere)
● What kind of behavior, what kind of habits; What kind of habits, what kind of personality; What kind of personality there is, what kind of fate there is (Cha Ehol)
● Habit is the huge flywheel and the most valuable defender of society (Wei James)
● Virtue mostly exists in good habits (Paley)
● In the self-care of daily things, An ounce of habit is worth a pound of wisdom (Tobu Reed)
The power of habit is enormous (Xi Hanluo)
Nothing is as miraculous as habit (Ovid)
Habit is everything, even in love (Wovenager)
What is the spider silk after habit, such as rope <