Confucius’ famous saying: When you are seventy, you should follow your heart’s desires without exceeding the rules. The complete sentence is "When I was fifteen, I was determined to learn; when I was thirty, I was established; when I was forty, I was not confused; when I was fifty, I knew the destiny; when I was sixty, my ears were attuned; when I was seventy, I followed my heart's desires without going beyond the rules."
It means: "When I was fifteen years old, I aspired to study the Tao of the University. At the age of thirty, I was able to stand on my own in the Tao. At the age of forty, I was free from confusion. At the age of fifty, I understood the fundamental laws of heavenly physics. At the age of sixty, I understood everything I heard. At the age of seventy, you can do whatever you want without going beyond the rules."
This passage is the trajectory of Confucius' life, and it is also Confucius' own account of his learning and cultivation process. This is a process in which one’s ideological realm gradually improves as one grows older.
Confucius (September 28, 551 BC to April 11, 479 BC), whose surname was Kong, whose given name was Qiu, and whose courtesy name was Zhongni, was born in Zou Yi, the state of Lu (now Qufu, Shandong Province). City), his ancestral home is Liyi (now Xiayi County, Henan Province) of the Song Dynasty. He is an ancient Chinese thinker, politician, educator, founder of the Confucian school, and "the most holy teacher of Dacheng".
Confucius was one of the most erudite scholars in society at that time. He was revered as the "Sage of Heaven" and the "Muduo of Heaven" when he was still alive. He was also revered as the Saint of Confucius and the Holy Saint by the rulers of later generations. , the most holy teacher, the most holy teacher of Dacheng Wenxuan Wang, the teacher of all generations. His thoughts have had a profound impact on China and the world, and he is listed as the first among the "Top Ten Cultural Celebrities in the World". As the influence of Confucius expanded, the "Confucius Ceremony" to worship Confucius once became a ceremony on the same level as the Chinese ancestor gods.